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Have you ever been bullied?

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I would dearly love to name and shame that Man but I know that I cant on here, its disgusting how a bad teacher can change the course of a persons life forever, I wish that something had been done about him, sadly it wasn't.


He's probably an embittered old fart with major self important phony syntheticness, masquerading as something else on here or elsewhere. We had one teacher who used a wooden coat hanger as a weapon..cut a girls eye at one time. I later learned he died in a car crash..slowly apparently, it exploded in flames..


---------- Post added 24-01-2015 at 15:04 ----------


Interesting point skinz


When I was bullied at school, I definitely didn't know what to do to stop it - just meekly took it.


Things are a bit different these days :D


It must be a difficult call, most bullies I would guess are surrounded by even nastier individuals who prompt but disappear once the heat gets unbearable, only to return once things have cooled.

Edited by skinz
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He's probably an embittered old fart with major self important phony syntheticness, masquerading as something else on here or elsewhere. We had one teacher who used a wooden coat hanger as a weapon..cut a girls eye at one time. I later learned he died in a car crash..slowly apparently, it exploded in flames..


You're probably right there, pathetic excuse of a man that causes a quiet, shy little girl to be made a bullied laughing stock, he was a disgusting, inadequate excuse of a Human being...there I feel better for that :hihi:


Your teacher sounds like he was a treasure as well, saying nothing about his ending...

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It must be a difficult call, most bullies I would guess are surrounded by even nastier individuals who prompt but disappear once the heat gets unbearable, only to return once things have cooled


That's the accepted analysis isn't it...hurt people, hurt people.


And so the cycle becomes endless...

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I was bullied at school, secondary school was awful and like Stimpy it all stopped when I turned on bully boy and his mate and he nearly met his doom as I went into overload and gave him 5 years worth of bullying in 5 minutes...went round the school quicker than a ferret up a drainpipe. As for the teachers they were awful and just turned a blind eye to it all


---------- Post added 24-01-2015 at 22:46 ----------


I actually got bullied by a teacher for 2 yrs, from the ages of 11 to 12. She was a middle aged home economics teacher and renowned for choosing 1 kid to pick on in each class she taught. She made my life a misery every time I stepped into her classroom, and although my mother went to the school on several occasions, she would behave and plead innocence when confronted then be back to her old tricks as soon as the focus was no longer on her.


This was 30 yrs ago and I still harbour a deep hatred of her - even though she's probably dead by now.


I had the same issue with the French teacher and her husband who taught Maths at the secondary school I was at, she was awful to me to the extent my father came into the school to 'discuss' the situation. After that I never attended French again and he was a lousy Maths teacher as well. He seemed to get more out of picking on me rather than doing his job

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Beth, totally agree with your post, that is what bullies are, they think they are far superior to some people, but i can assure you that they don't take much knocking down.:

on the contrary, it seems to me most bullies have self esteem issues and feel inferior to other people. They bully someone vulnerable to give themselves a bit of self esteem and metaphorically push themselves above the victim, so that they no longer feel at the bottom of the class (if this makes sense)

You seldom see the cleverest kid at school bullying or the hardest (actual hardest, not the one who wants to act it) doing the bullying, as they have no issues

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  • 2 months later...

Have you ever been bullied at school? Or was you the bully??why did you do it??



I was bullied at school was usual comments, spat at and pushing and shoving got to the point where I used to skip school or not go at all. My mum went to school to complain but it made things worse so I never went to school ended up getting my mum in trouble. Now I have no confidence in myself to communicate with other people its like im shy and weak and soft.

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I have been both, unfortunately.


I still deeply regret the hurt that I must have caused two people in little school, even though it was twenty odd years ago. I wasn't old enough to be aware that I was a bully really, but if my son had beat up another kid in the playground I'd be bitterly disappointed in him and would want to make amends immediately.


I also was bullied in senior school after this, when we were all old enough to understand what it was etc, my experience was being relieved of my dinner money a few times so certain pupils could buy drugs.. I wasn't the only one to suffer this and the school were reasonably effective in stopping this once it came to light, which was about 2 years after it started.


You could probably say it was karma at play, maybe it was, but I am as a result completely anti-bullying and wouldn't tolerate one person bullying or intimidating another on my watch now.

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My youngest has been relentlessly since he's been at Senior school. He's been strangled, kicked, punched, called every name under the sun ans cyber-bullied.


All by the same group of lads, the school have been brilliant. They've excluded the perpetrators and warned their parents of the consequences of it not stopping.


Unfortuantely what this also does is it means he gets isolated outside of th school leading to us deciding on moving house to start again.


So the school has lost a student in top set for everything, and one of their best sports lads all because of some little scrotes.


What nobody teaches you about is how to react as a parent when you see it happening.

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I had quite a lot of verbal (thankfully never physical) rubbish to deal with at school. I was never very popular as I had long hair, which as a lad makes you stand out sadly, and a bit of a target.


Bullying is hideous, but in a way, I feel I grew from it, and it's made me the person I am - I'm now very confident, and feel I've done extremely well in life. In terms of career, I've done far better than I could have hoped, and far better than the people who were the bullies. I don't know the psychology behind it, but there's some link I feel.


One thing that stays with me is a desire never to make others feel like that. Banter is one thing, with people who are part of it, but there's no need to be hideous to people, ever.

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