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Your Priorities in Life

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It's not that I don't have humans I care about, the difference is that they are independent and don't 100% rely on me for food, water, exercise and medical care, and also it's a different love. I absolutely worship my parents but not in the maternally way that I care for my dog.


I can't imagine life without my other half, but again he has friends, work and outside activities which he enjoys, but our dog doesn't have anything without us.


This thread is asking about different people's priorities, and I haven't criticised yours so I don't know what gives you the right to criticise mine or anyone elses.....wouldn't the world be rather boring if we all ran our lives in exactly the same way!!!!


---------- Post added 16-07-2014 at 06:23 ----------



You start a thread asking people a question, you get answers and then feel you can criticise them....not a very good way of doing things!!!


I, nor anyone else on here ever mentioned sacrificing anything so you have jumped to a rather arrogant conclusion there....please read my post above before judging!!!



I also said my dog! and for the reasons you have mentioned above... She is my only priority (apart from the usual, like mortgage, bills etc) and she depends on me.... The humans in my life, as much as I cherish them, can defend for themselves...

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My priorities are basically enjoying life. I can't do it all the time but I look forward to those times that I can. In practical terms this means holidays and days out with my girlfriend, nights in having nice food with my girlfriend, nights out having nice food with my girlfriend, nights in having nice food and drink on my own, nights out with mates. Oh, and mustn't forget the cat!


These are the small things that get me through the week. I don't do a particularly enjoyable job so I treasure the good times I have.


Health is important. I couldn't enjoy my lifestyle if I wasn't intrinsically healthy.


My family is important, but I have no dependents or children so am free from a lot of worry and responsibility in that quarter.


Hey, I've got you down for looking after me in my old age, and I aim to be quite demanding!

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Hey, I've got you down for looking after me in my old age, and I aim to be quite demanding!


Nah, I've got my eye on that old folks home where the staff nick your money and post photos of you drooling on facebook ;) xx

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