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William Hague to stand down from Parliament

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He wasn't suitable material in 2001. He was the Miliband or Menzies-Campbell of the time.


That, plus the sheer dominance that Blair had over British politics at the time. Could any other Tory have done much better electorally between 1997 - 2001?

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thats the problem though a lot of the electorate just vote on their past traditions without really understanding.


It doesn't matter what reason you have for voting the way you do, it won't make any difference in the end.


Our Democracy is a myth.

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now Hague has gone, it is all down to the Tory mafia of Boris George and Dave.


up to you whether you think it sounds like Chas n Dave, or Mary Mungo and Midge.

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It doesn't matter what reason you have for voting the way you do, it won't make any difference in the end.


Our Democracy is a myth.


i think ours is better than most and there are changes coming with the strength of UKIP coming to the fore and the fall back of wet liberals

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I see that the former 'Chief Executive' of Sheffield City Council Sir Bob Kerslake is to retire as Head of the Civil Service. Is it just me or has there been a proliferation of these Chief Executives of public bodies over the last few years. They're multiplying like bacteria. Hospitals, Colleges, Councils and the like all seem to have to have them - and of course, they command a huge salary. Still I suppose it solves the problem of what to do with all that extra public money :)


Sir Bob wasn't in a specially created position. All Govt departments have a permanent secretary - always have done and that's what he was as well as being the most senior civil servant in the land. It's not a new post created in recent times.

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I suspect his heart hasn't been in it since 2010 when hotels banned him from sharing rooms with his teenage male personal assistant. It doesn't look good for the government, especially in light of old events which have been brought to the front of media attention again.





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