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Vacuum sealed butter

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you can get vacuum sealed milk in cartons that will not go off so long as you don't open the carton, no matter how hot it is.


well maybe not a million degrees centigrade, but at least it won't go off in normal climactic conditions.


can you get packs of vacuum sealed butter that also won't go off?

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It's not vacuum sealed milk, it's been heat treated (at a higher temperature than the usual pasteurisation) to sterilise it. Not sure that'd work well with butter & it gives milk a funny taste too. You can get tins of ghee. You can get tins of butter in other countries too, never seen them here.

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I'm not sure there's much need for it anyway? Butter lasts a while, it's pretty cheap & I've never seen a shortage.


Ghee is clarified butter, with the milk solids removed, that lasts longer, you can buy it in cans & it's popular in India.

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it might last a while here but not when every single day of the year is 30 degrees and you might not have a refridgerator.


the only place I have found that will ship it, is only the USA from there I would have to re-ship it and it would end up costing minimum $20 for 12 oz. or 340 grams.

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Blake, firstly can I ask what sort of trip you are planning, a lot of rather obscure questions coming from your way!


A lot of the stuff you are asking for I recognise as things that long-trip sailors would take along on ocean crossing and the like. I can't find a website that sells this sort of stuff - but I do know three shops in the Netherlands where I would look for this sort of gear - unfortunately I don't know any in the UK! But there are specialist shops out there.

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Have you tried NASA? It's the first place I'd have a word with for this kind of specialised food product ... most of their pantry's in a vacuum anyway.


Failing that, give Buzz Aldrin a ring (not on Tuesday mornings though ... it's the day he goes to collect his pension). :thumbsup:

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