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Where is your God?

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God is a concept a parasitic minority, brainwash their followers with, and in so doing we pitch one god against the other. In what was once PALESTINE, the second hand inventors of the one god concept, who thanks to the moronic British, who instigated the start of the ethnic cleansing, regard the land itself as given to them alone by the figment of a historical past parasitic but literate community. They return to the lad given to them alone, and cannot comprehend how their reinvention of the one god idea, spread into Christianity and Islam, both the offspring, like the Jewish religion of a powerful Egyptian revolutionary. So all three concepts or interpretations of the original revolutionary ideology, are branches off the original roots.


Like children squabbling over sharing one toy, they all want to play with at the same time, none can see how ridiculous they are, as each now established religious ideology has a vast following, and the parasites that oversee their blinded followers, cannot and dare not expose the KING as having no clothes. They are all institutionally wedded to their profession, and the concept of being outed as frauds, is beyond unthinkable. Thus each has to play out the lie, while the questioning of the scientific community, undermines the very basis of their foundations, as they attempt to direct their respective flocks to the detail of the carvings in the ceilings.


Can anyone imagine the effect of outing this confidence trick, the effect on billions of individuals that rely on the hope that things will improve if not for them then their offspring? To suddenly be aware of the fraud, the disorientation of so many, would or could make the concept of anarchy, in its worst form, seem the introduction to a nightmare beyond comprehension.


So let the blind believe their leaders in the interpretation of the lie of hope have sight in at least one eye, and also let us hope that this ill informed majority of humanity remains suitably ignorant so we can continue to exploit the differences with wars, selling weaponry and having a good laugh at them all. Fighting for the right to be right is one of the oldest jokes humankind EVER INVENTED, so let us not spoil the fun as we watch ISSIS being bombed, and those Palestinian children being dismembered, all for our entertainment on 24 hour TV. Let us not forget the limbs also being blown off people in Ukraine as although its not about religion its fun to know one is on the side of the righteous, the new religion of smugness.


Genetically we are all, that is 99% of people living today, are so closely related it could be said we are the only incestuous species ever to have inhabited this world, but lets us not get distracted by facts or evidence and concentrate on differences, as differences are entertaining ....innit!


I would afford you your God given right to your opinion .

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My "God" would be nature itself.- A unexplainable phenomena that not only creates life, but also makes modifications to the design of its subjects when necessary- selection!!


That shows nature operates with a purpose doesn't it?

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My "God" would be nature itself.- A unexplainable phenomena that not only creates life, but also makes modifications to the design of its subjects when necessary- selection!!

That shows nature operates with a purpose doesn't it?


No, it doesn't.

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No, it doesn't.


Hello Halibut. Have you missed me? I've missed you. Still not lost your irritating style of giving short uninformative critical replies I see. Is there any chance of you explaining why it doesn't, or shall we simply leave it here and agree on you being right since my post doesn't have Halibut next too it?

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Hello Halibut. Have you missed me? I've missed you. Still not lost your irritating style of giving short uninformative critical replies I see. Is there any chance of you explaining why it doesn't, or shall we simply leave it here and agree on you being right since my post doesn't have Halibut next too it?


Been inside?


Your claim that natural selection illustrates 'purpose' is false. Natural selection is just a sequence of chance happenings played out on a grand scale. There is no purpose.

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Been inside?


Your claim that natural selection illustrates 'purpose' is false. Natural selection is just a sequence of chance happenings played out on a grand scale. There is no purpose.

Have I been inside?.. I take "inside" to mean prison?

I haven't actually, been quite fortunate in that respect. I just hope this run of good fortune continues!! I don't like prison, there's too many of your type always bothering me, shower-time mainly.



Anyhow, back on topic. How can natural selection be "a sequence of chance happenings"? Natural selection only occurs when it's required. How does requirement equate to a random "chance happening"?

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There is no god, anyone who belives are weak or dumb minded and have no capacity to think, A man build a boat and carry 2 of each type of animals, fairy tale, how can anyone in right mind belive it? how stupid is a the average person


In my view it takes as much 'faith' to not believe in a creator, as it does to believe in one.


The fact is quite straight forward, nobody knows you believe there isn't, someone else believes there is.


Neither one of you knows you simply have opposing beliefs not worth worrying about either way, as it's extremely unlikely that we'll ever actually find out.

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