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Where is your God?

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It was more in reference to when detailing the only 4 possibilities for the origin of the Universe- and what science does know , is what is observable , what is testable and what science can therefore predict on that scale.


The theories that get put forward are nothing more, they are hypothesis and none can be proven.


I am of course only going by experience when spoken to people who state they are 'atheist' but after a chat go away being unsure- and likely 'agnostic'.


If one says they are Atheist and that is it, then it is not scientific in any form or shape- more philosophical.


Much of Atheism is based on naturalism/materialism- nothing more.


There is no Science involved- in fact, when examined closely, Atheism goes against Science..

This comes across as a very odd post, perhaps you could explain first what your idea of


a) an atheist is

b) an agnostic is

C) a theist is


---------- Post added 07-09-2014 at 10:30 ----------


Atheism and theism and any ...ism are concerned with belief.


Gnosticism and agnosticism are concerned with knowledge.

Agnosticism is an 'ism' though. It's not the 'ism' that makes something a belief.

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Agnosticism is an 'ism' though. It's not the 'ism' that makes something a belief.

Hmmm. :huh: Not too sure about that. Gnosticism is a belief that knowledge is possible and agnosticism is a belief that knowledge is not possible. ...or so I'm led to believe! :hihi:


Either way, life's too short to argue about that kettle of fish/can of worms.

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Hmmm. :huh: Not too sure about that. Gnosticism is a belief that knowledge is possible and agnosticism is a belief that knowledge is not possible. ...or so I'm led to believe! :hihi:


Either way, life's too short to argue about that kettle of fish/can of worms.


I believe you

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I ask anyone who is religious out there to turn on the news and answer the question. I dont care what religion.




No one has seen a god in modern times. Where is he or she or it? :huh:


If you could see God, would it still be God?


Where would faith play a role?


---------- Post added 07-09-2014 at 18:25 ----------


I'd love to hear the explanation but first I'd like to know what he thinks the word 'atheist' actually means.


or the word "science"...


---------- Post added 07-09-2014 at 18:29 ----------




as this article shows violence doesn't only come from religion and the belief in God...

religion doesn't produce violence, human nature does

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You spoiled it with 'may'. May is short for 'may or may not'.



I could suggest that 100% of all people may not believe, and I would be 100% correct.

Neither of us should be so certain of whether people believe in God or don't.

Many people fluctuate between belief and non-belief at different stages in life, not everybody is as strong an atheist and as dogmatic as you are.


Some time ago I read an article written by a descendent of Charles Darwin (a convert from atheism to Roman Catholicism) she stated that in his later years, he wasn't as certain in his doubt that God existed, as he earlier had been.

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Just trying to fit in time to stay on course..


What I meant when stating Atheism goes against Science- is it does when one only holds the view that only Matter exists- that is it, nothing else.


A reminder from Oxford Dictionery on the definition of Science is :

“The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”


So what it cannot see or observe it cannot comment on- and many atheists then still rely on (by faith) science to find the answers they want.


Science cannot study the premises upon which science is based-you cannot give Science as the answer to everything just because you so much want it to be.


It won't tell me why 2+2= 4 will it? Not now, not ever.


It also cannot account for the existence of Conscience- which is entirely separate from Matter.


Why does Matter follow Physical Laws? Science doesn't know- Atheists will use their prefered 'it just does' which is not an answer is it?


Atheism may define itself as a lack of belief but it holds a lot of beliefs about many things- which it uses to try and discredit or rule out the possibility of any Intelligent force or Purpose behind the Universe.

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Just trying to fit in time to stay on course..


What I meant when stating Atheism goes against Science- is it does when one only holds the view that only Matter exists- that is it, nothing else.


A reminder from Oxford Dictionery on the definition of Science is :


So what it cannot see or observe it cannot comment on- and many atheists then still rely on (by faith) science to find the answers they want.


Science cannot study the premises upon which science is based-you cannot give Science as the answer to everything just because you so much want it to be.


It won't tell me why 2+2= 4 will it? Not now, not ever.


It also cannot account for the existence of Conscience- which is entirely separate from Matter.


Why does Matter follow Physical Laws? Science doesn't know- Atheists will use their prefered 'it just does' which is not an answer is it?


Atheism may define itself as a lack of belief but it holds a lot of beliefs about many things- which it uses to try and discredit or rule out the possibility of any Intelligent force or Purpose behind the Universe.


There is no reason to think it exists and even if it does exist you can't know what its purpose is, so there is no need for your life to be controlled by it.

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