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Where is your God?

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religion is social control, simply


Absolutely. It's Father Christmas for grown ups- "Do what you're told or there won't be any presents". However, instead of 'no presents' it's an eternity of suffering at the hands of demons and unlike Father Christmas, many of society's agencies continue to insist that he's real, long after you've exited childhood . It's a pretty unpleasant way of getting people to do what you want them to.


If someone has faith in a supernatural being and it brings them comfort, then I completely respect that. Some people's lives are so hard, they probably need that to get them through. In cases like that, it's a strength rather than a weakness but I feel that I'm too well acquainted with reality to ever accept any form of deism.


Other than that, I've nothing to add to the words of the great David Attenborough:



“Every society in the world has found it necessary to produce a story to account for the fact that humanity is on earth. The Australian Aboriginals think that the first humans were regurgitated by a great rainbow serpent in the sky, the people in Thailand think the beginning of the world was a huge pool of milk and a snake was pulled by demons, and the milk coagulated and that formed human beings; and there was a time, two and a half to three thousand years ago, when people on the east end of the Mediterranean thought woman was made from the rib of the first man.


“If somebody says to me I believe every word of the Bible is true, you can’t argue against that degree of irrationality… there is actually a way of looking at the natural world and seeing the evidence and it’s all there. And what’s more it’s the same evidence whether it’s in Australia or Northern Europe or wherever. It’s all the same — it all produces the same answer and you can all see the evidence — if you reject that then there’s nothing I can say.”


and, devastatingly:


When creationists talk about God creating every individual species as a separate act, they always instance hummingbirds, or orchids, sunflowers and beautiful things. But I tend to think instead of a parasitic worm that is boring through the eye of a boy sitting on the bank of a river in West Africa, [a worm] that’s going to make him blind.


And [i ask them], ‘Are you telling me that the God you believe in, who you also say is an all-merciful God, who cares for each one of us individually, are you saying that God created this worm that can live in no other way than in an innocent child’s eyeball? Because that doesn’t seem to me to coincide with a God who’s full of mercy.



It suggests that if there really was a God, he'd have to have distinct psychopathic tendencies and probably wouldn't tolerate the likes of us bad-mouthing him. I can see rain clouds out of my window but no bolts of lightning heading my way as yet.

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I ask anyone who is religious out there to turn on the news and answer the question. I dont care what religion.




No one has seen a god in modern times. Where is he or she or it? :huh:


Doesn't exist and never has... God/s were created to control and strike fear into the masses.

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An friend of mine is a lay preacher and he reckons that your God can be found in your conscience. I still find it hard to believe that God can hear millions of people's prayers at the same time on a Sunday morning. That's multi-tasking to the extreme.


Maybe a goddess then ./ :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I was brought up as a Irish Roman Catholic but as i got older i became more educated and believed in science theory and that the teachings of right & wrong is what religion is for.


I believe that there was a Jesus and he was probably a very wise guy who 2000 years ago believed that there was a god. He main point was to just be nice to each other.


Anyone who believes in God now has to be a moron. Its exactly the same as an adult believing in Santa Claus. :loopy:


Heres a quick summery video....


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Not only does he hear them, he already knows what will be asked of him in advance of their broadcast and what action he will take. An omnipotent, omniscient god cannot be bargained with. It already knows everything that will unfold and what the outcome will be, which begs the question why it needs to exist at all after it has set everything in motion.

It begs the question why it would set everything in motion in the first place as it would already know the outcome... then again an omniscient God has no free will so couldn't choose whether or not to create a universe in the first place.



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Perhaps you mean Jesus believed there was a dad! He must have had a hard time at school "how does my father make a living? Surely you mean 'how does he make THE living?'". Cue 10 years of bullying. No wonder he got good at forgiveness.


Catholic schooling has significantly harmed everyone I know who endured it. One person was forced to kneel on a brick for not doing her homework one week even though she was twelve years old at the time, otherwise diligent and had recently lost her father.


If I saw an adult doing that to a child I'd put a stop to it and I'm merely a deeply flawed man. If I was a perfect, omnipotent being and became aware through my omniscience that someone was doing that in my name, I'd click my celestial fingers and human centipede the entire school staff with the Pope at the end of the chain. Even as a non-interventionist God, I'd have to break my own rule on more than a few occasions.


So yeah, where's your justice Big Man? Some of us down here could do a better job of it than you. Throw us some crumbs at least or we'll start thinking you're a hypocrite. Failing that, any chance of a big reduction in the price of beer?

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If you enjoy discussing this stuff, please pop along to the new Sheffield Humanist website.You can also find links to their Facebook and Twitter pages there. They will be putting on events from September.


Just looks like a church you have to pay £5 to join.

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There are two subjects which are best not discussed , unless you are in the right company face to face.

Religion and politics.

I see the other's point of view, but also can't imagine a God, with arms,weapons, detonating bombs and such.

We are given freedom of choice.

Man is a funny animal

It is he who chooses to kill.

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As I keep repeating, there is no place for religion in the modern world. It shouldn't be encouraged or accommodated in any form as it just makes it easier for humans to squabble and kill each other.


RE in schools, Songs of Praise, call to Prayer. It's all nonsense and all needs phasing out.


It's incomprehensible that we continue to allow places of worship/brainwashing to be built in this country.

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