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Is the age of consent consistent across EU ¿¿

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What you have to realise here is how the law is interpreted in these countries. If you think 14 year old girls in this country are not sexually active, you have a problem. However, if they are active with older guys that trick/force them, than you are spot on to be concerned.


As far as I am aware a lot of these age of consent laws are contingent on the fact that the partner is of a similar age - in the Netherlands it is 16 (age of consent) but if the partner is over 21 (I believe) you can get done for non-consented intercourse. Pretty sure a similar interpretation is used in Germany as well.

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I think you will find its been that way for a long time.


Im sure the idea is to allow teenagers to do what they do anyway, without it being illegal, not to encourage old predators to have their way with em.....


Though saying that, im not so sure the making the gay age of consent at 16 in this country wasnt done for that very reason.

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But why should the age of consent vary across the EU ?? Surely we are all part of one big block? If sex with 14 year olds is now legal in Austria,Germany,Portugal and Italy.,,,,'.,'''''...',.


States across the USA have different ages of consent although they're all part of the USA. In some it is 16, in others 17 and in others 18. 16 is the most common.


Bang goes your badly-disguised anti-EU rant.

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I understand what you're saying. It is dodgy having kids aged 14 having sex legally. However the UK are bad, Look at the papers. Also only the UK can come up with sayings like "If there's grass on the field play ball!"


"Old enough to bleed old enough to breed." I would say the UK is the sickest of all. In the UK it looks like age has no bearing legally or not for many.



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I understand what you're saying. It is dodgy having kids aged 14 having sex legally. However the UK are bad, Look at the papers. Also only the UK can come up with sayings like "If there's grass on the field play ball!"


"Old enough to bleed old enough to breed." I would say the UK is the sickest of all. In the UK it looks like age has no bearing legally or not for many.


1 I've never heard either saying, despite living in the UK for over 60 years. How common are they?

2 I doubt that any saying which includes "play ball" in that context would have originated in the UK.

3 What makes you think that other cultures cannot and do not have similar crass sayings?

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