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Right to die with dignity

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As the title says:

All those in favour. I for one believe being assisted to end your life

Should you have a terminal illness, or no quality of life due to illness should be available .I believe the first reading in the House of Lords has been passed so maybe were on the right track.

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Agreed, I read a tragic story recently where a man who had a terminal disease that would have ended with him dying in a horrible humiliating manner decided to travel to Switzerland and end his life whilst he still had enough control of his mind and body to do so.


Had he been able to arrange for it to take place here once he had reached a certain stage in his illness then he would have lived for months or maybe a year or so longer.


What these people who object to the right to choose are saying is ' You must suffer and die in pain and emotional agony because my conscience is troubled by giving you the right'.


If someone kept an animal in such a condition they would be rightfully prosecuted.


Although some people seem unwilling to accept the fact we all end up dead in the end.


The only thing we can hope for is that it is quick and relatively painless.


The objectors are denying this to the unfortunate.

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I agree 100% with you intake too.I have seen many loved ones die,some of cancer and would not like that end myself.


Yes, its Cancer that worries me. I saw relatives die a slow and painful death. One litteraly begged me to help them die. I got as far as holding a pillow in my hands but couldnt make the final move. It then took my relative a further 5 months to die and it was horrific.

There is zero dignity in that :(

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The right to die is imperative in my opinion. I have lost quite a few family members to cancer and other diseases in the past five years. Two of which chose euthanasia when the pain became unbearable whereas my grandfather, who was very religious, fought on until the end - it was his choice and the family accepted it and nursed him until the last breath (for over 6 months on a rota). It should be an option and those against it need to understand that it is indeed that: an option.

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As the title says:

All those in favour. I for one believe being assisted to end your life

Should you have a terminal illness, or no quality of life due to illness should be available .I believe the first reading in the House of Lords has been passed so maybe were on the right track.


I'm sad to say that I don't think it will get very far. MP's don''t seem to have the stomach for controversial decisions. There will not be time before the next election.


Meanwhile some people will continue to be forced to suffer..

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Also, what is being proposed is, in itself, very limited. Those with less than 6 months to live can at least see an end, and no doubt even if legislation were brought in the procedures in each case will probably take up most of the six months, to make it hardly worth doing.


This still leaves those who have a permanent situation but are expected to live for longer. They will continue to have no way out

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