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Right to die with dignity

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You mean the "People will abuse it" argument cut no ice with you either???


If it were open to abuse, we would already be seeing lots of people already killing themselves because they were a burden on their relatives. The new legislatin would just add those who weren't physically capable of taking their own life.


How many people currently take their own life under pressure, because they are a burden?

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If it were open to abuse, we would already be seeing lots of people already killing themselves because they were a burden on their relatives. The new legislatin would just add those who weren't physically capable of taking their own life.


How many people currently take their own life under pressure, because they are a burden?


This is a specious argument. Is there any proof anyone has chosen death rather than be a burden?


I am on my own, and fear what my future will be. There has been a lot of cancer in my extended family, including my own mum. I had to watch her suffer terribly, until her gp fitted her with a morphine pump just two days before she died. My sister and I have our own thoughts about that and if we are right then we are profoundly grateful to that doctor.



I get really angry about the people who object, often for religious reasons. They are entitled to suffer till the bitter end if they so choose, but what right have they to inflict that on everyone else?

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This is a specious argument. Is there any proof anyone has chosen death rather than be a burden?


I am on my own, and fear what my future will be. There has been a lot of cancer in my extended family, including my own mum. I had to watch her suffer terribly, until her gp fitted her with a morphine pump just two days before she died. My sister and I have our own thoughts about that and if we are right then we are profoundly grateful to that doctor.



I get really angry about the people who object, often for religious reasons. They are entitled to suffer till the bitter end if they so choose, but what right have they to inflict that on everyone else?

Great post. Spot on the money with your last paragraph.

And im sorry you are on your own. That cant be easy. I know id hate it!!

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You mean the "People will abuse it" argument cut no ice with you either???


People won't abuse it but it will give them peace of mind, knowing when they do go nobody will be prosecuted.


Plus it will be governed strictly it will need the approval of 2 independent doctors, agreeing you have 6 months or less to live.


If offered to me I'd take it, then I would not be a burden on my wife & family whom I do feel for as she has to put up with me being ill, constantly.

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I've always maintained that there is likely to come a time, with my illnesses, when I feel it intolerable to continue living. Whether that point is going to come when I've got (biologically) 6 months or 20 years to go is not relevant to me because I will take the option when I no longer wish to be here.


Thankfully I'm on enough medication that all I have to do is to wait until my monthly supply comes around and then take all of it in one go, when I feel that I have reached my time. I would hate to be in the position of not being able to take control of my own future in such a way.


We all make choices in life and on a daily basis we all continue to keep breathing and keep moving forwards. If we are stripped of everything else our very last possible choice is whether to take our next breath and I believe that no matter what circumstances are prevailing, it is everybody's right to decline to take that next breath. When I have no other choices left available to me I plan to take that choice.

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People won't abuse it but it will give them peace of mind, knowing when they do go nobody will be prosecuted.


Plus it will be governed strictly it will need the approval of 2 independent doctors, agreeing you have 6 months or less to live.


If offered to me I'd take it, then I would not be a burden on my wife & family whom I do feel for as she has to put up with me being ill, constantly.


But you don't need it to be offered unless you're physically/mentally incapable. Like Medusa you can make the decision without permission if you are capable (suicide) which would relieve your suffering and your families perceived burden. You can still do that with dignity.


Edit: I'm not advocating you top yourself btw. Far from it fella.

Edited by ronthenekred
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But you don't need it to be offered unless you're physically/mentally incapable. Like Medusa you can make the decision without permission if you are capable (suicide) which would relieve your suffering and your families perceived burden. You can still do that with dignity.


Edit: I'm not advocating you top yourself btw. Far from it fella.


I would not commit suicide as it leaves too many scars and hurt for the family, but this is something I have discussed at length with my wife and family.


I struggle to do most things these days, and it's just my medication keeping me alive (palliative), I'm not advocating this afternoon.


But I have been told how bad I'll get and that's when I don't want to become a bigger burden, than I am now. It's hard when all your life you've done things yourself and take for granted, but hey ho.


It is hard to put into words, and people do watch loved ones die, but going through it yourself is terrible.

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Suffering from COPD as I do I can only agree with the OP, this legislation is well overdue, though of course it won't get past because Cameron doesn't like it, and God forbid Cameron doesn't want to start a precedent by doing something the electorate wants.


After seeing a friends father died from emphysema some years ago, when this COPD started taking hold some two and half years ago I made up my mind then, not to go through the pain and indignity that my mate's father had to go through. This past 12 months has seen a dramatic reduction in the distance I can walk, and the things I can do, but i'll keep soldiering on until the time is right. I'm lucky in the fact that I will always always be able to commit suicide, so this legislation is not really for the likes of me, but it's for the quadriplegic or anyone that has to have assistance to end their life,

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