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Malin Bridge Infant School


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Anyone out there who used to go to Malin Bridge in 1956- 1959.

Miss Pass was the headmistress and I can't remember the other teachers names. Have tried friends reunited, but no-one yet?

Happy memories there and remember a girl called Pat ( i thinkl) who used to knit! She was only 7.

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I went to Malin Bridge too - started in the nursery and then went through the infants and juniors - I was in the infants up to 1955 and left the juniors in 1959. I can remember Miss Pass becoming headteacher - before her was Miss Catherall, who actually died at school while I was in the infants - I think she was taken ill one dinnertime over the road (across Dykes Lane)at the canteen Do you remember going over there for school dinners? Other teachers I remember - Miss Birch and Miss Garrison - I was in Miss Birch's class and then Miss Garrison's the following year, before I went up to the juniors. I seem to remember another teacher called Mrs Senior but not sure about that - I wasn't in her class. Can't remember any names of staff in the nursery but I do remember sitting in rows in the hall to be given mugs and tins of chocolate for the Coronation in 1953 - does anyone else remember that - I suppose all the schools had the same thing.

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This is really strange. Whe I was at Malin Bridge there was one day, when in the afternoon I was selected to read to the class. THe teacher was gone so long that I finished the whole book. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but it had always stuck in my mind as weird as the storytelling class was unexpected and we didn;t see a teacher for ages. Some years ago I remmebered thinking that something must have happened in school, and I guess it must have been the death of that teacher, although the dates may not match up. I was there from 1956/7 until 1962 (Infants and Juniors).

I do remember Miss Garrison though! Thanks.

Another memory was singing Once in Royal Davids City at the nativity play and wearing net curtains when I was an angel! They gave me a balloon for singing!.

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I will ask my Dad as he went there in that time, I can remember him telling me a story about Miss Catherall that died around 1957, I think she had a heartattack.


Spoke to my Dad last night, he said that Miss Catherall died when taking a morning assembly.

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Reading all these posts, I wonder if my memory is playing tricks - I'd thought that Miss Catherall died while I was still in the infants but it could have been later, while I was in the juniors.

Mrs Potter was definitely in the junior school - she was my class teacher for Junior 1 and 2 - and yes, she did play the piano - have been trying to remember if she played for hymn singing in assembly or if we just sang unaccompanied - I remember we had a very limited number of hymns that we sang and we knew them all by heart

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What a shame I missed the centenary events. I would have loved to have a wander round the school again!.

I have such happy memories of my time there even though it was such a long time ago!

I remember in the juniors, there was a shield presented every week for the best pupil and I was honoured to win it once for an essay! I felt so proud and my mum and dad couldn't believe it!.

I would love to hear from any other pupils who attended at the same time.

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