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Christians in Iraq told to convert to Islam or be killed!

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]I base my views on how I find people' date='[/b'] not on what religion or race they are or political organisation they're affiliated to, to do otherwise creates disharmony where non might otherwise have existed.




I rest my case.

But the thread is not on about you may find people you sometimes come across over here ,its about death threats made by Iraq muslims to others.

I rest my case

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"There is no compulsion in religion" (the Qur'an, chapter 2 verse 256)


sSo, if they are doing this, as alleged, (hopefully this is just more anti-Islam propaganda) then they are going directly against the teachings of the scriptures.


to add:-


A famous letter sent by 36 Islamic scholars to Pope Benedict XVI addressed this verse:


"this verse is acknowledged to belong to the period of Quranic revelation corresponding to the political and military ascendance of the young Muslim community. ‘There is no compulsion in religion’ was not a command to Muslims to remain steadfast in the face of the desire of their oppressors to force them to renounce their faith, but was a reminder to Muslims themselves, once they had attained power, that they could not force another's heart to believe.There is no compulsion in religion addresses those in a position of strength, not weakness. The earliest commentaries on the Qur'an (such as that of Al-Tabari) make it clear that some Muslims of Medina wanted to force their children to convert from Judaism or Christianity to Islam, and this verse was precisely an answer to them not to try to force their children to convert to Islam

We see what we see and we hear what we hear. There's nothing you can publish on this forum that's ever going to change that, so dream on if you think you can selectively quote from the Koran and convince us otherwise! The people whom you say don't represent Islam also quote from the Koran, just like you, but for some reason they come to a different conclusion. You say they are wrong, they say you are wrong. The fact is that they are doing the most unpleasant things and supporting it with 'scripture'. So I say if it looks like an act of religious hatred and it smells like an act of religious hatred then it is an act of religious hatred no matter what half-dead rabbits you pull out of that ridiculous hat!
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“Convert. Submit to Islam. Or face the sword.” In recent days, the besieged Christian community in Raqqa - a city in northern Syria – has faced those three stark alternatives.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In Raqqa, ISIS ordered that the genitals of sheep and goats be covered in rags.

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“Convert. Submit to Islam. Or face the sword.” In recent days, the besieged Christian community in Raqqa - a city in northern Syria – has faced those three stark alternatives.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In Raqqa, ISIS ordered that the genitals of sheep and goats be covered in rags.


Islam is clearly a religion that is out of control.

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But the thread is not on about you may find people you sometimes come across over here ,its about death threats made by Iraq muslims to others.

I rest my case


This is the post which aroused my interest in the first place which I considered deserving of a response...


I hope bf and friends defend against this with as much venom
when sticking up for the muslims


The fact you deemed your subsequent intervention necessary doesn't really concern me.

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"There is no compulsion in religion" (the Qur'an, chapter 2 verse 256)


sSo, if they are doing this, as alleged, (hopefully this is just more anti-Islam propaganda) then they are going directly against the teachings of the scriptures.


to add:-


A famous letter sent by 36 Islamic scholars to Pope Benedict XVI addressed this verse:


"this verse is acknowledged to belong to the period of Quranic revelation corresponding to the political and military ascendance of the young Muslim community. ‘There is no compulsion in religion’ was not a command to Muslims to remain steadfast in the face of the desire of their oppressors to force them to renounce their faith, but was a reminder to Muslims themselves, once they had attained power, that they could not force another's heart to believe.There is no compulsion in religion addresses those in a position of strength, not weakness. The earliest commentaries on the Qur'an (such as that of Al-Tabari) make it clear that some Muslims of Medina wanted to force their children to convert from Judaism or Christianity to Islam, and this verse was precisely an answer to them not to try to force their children to convert to Islam


Isn't it odd how so many of your fellow muslims seem to think otherwise. Do you have 2 or 3 different versions of your holy book?


Anyhow it's Saturday night and I'm off out. We still are allowed to drink beer and eat roast belly pork aren't we?

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This is the post which aroused my interest in the first place which I considered deserving of a response.

to which you replied with "It's such a shame you and your gob frothing pals are unable to distinguish the activities of individuals from a belief system which a lot of them identify with." :roll:yet cant see yourself as a gob frothing bigot when you don't get an answer you agree with:hihi:

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yet cant see yourself as a gob frothing bigot when you don't get an answer you agree with:hihi:


Who said I don't, that's why I come on here...doh!


---------- Post added 19-07-2014 at 18:55 ----------


Anyhow it's Saturday night and I'm off out. We still are allowed to drink beer and eat roast belly pork aren't we?


..yet some of you choke at the prospect of eating meat that has 'halal' stamped on it ;)

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"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them(2:191)

Make war on the infidels living in your neighboorhood (9:123)

When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5)

Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax (9:29)++++++++ ON TOPIC.

Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)

The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30)

Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam. (5:33)

The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (9:2

Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies


Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4)

The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)

Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:2

Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (8:12)

Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels (8:60)"




Okay, and now, can you make your point (and by point I mean a proper point) by quoting those verses in context instead of using them as random sets of words to supposedly prove your islamophobic and bigoted standpoint?


---------- Post added 19-07-2014 at 18:59 ----------


It's such a shame you and your gob frothing pals are unable to distinguish the activities of individuals from a belief system which a lot of them identify with.


A (slightly) smaller shame is that you've overlooked many of my posts here which condemn the activities of extremists.


Frankly, I've never come across an evangelising Muslim (in the UK), whereas my Sunday morning slumber is often interrupted by genial Christians, brandishing the latest copy of The Watchtower and extolling me to read it in order to save myself from the fires of hell.


Ps..some of my best friends are Christians ;)


The naysayers are not going to take their blinkers off, BF, and allow the truth, and reason, and the hard evidence of the millions of ordinary, everyday, peaceable Muslims, going about their ordinary, everyday, peaceable lives, to get in the way of a good Islamophobic gob-frothing.

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“Convert. Submit to Islam. Or face the sword.” In recent days, the besieged Christian community in Raqqa - a city in northern Syria – has faced those three stark alternatives.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In Raqqa, ISIS ordered that the genitals of sheep and goats be covered in rags.

Is that so that the men didn't have impure thoughts? :hihi:
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