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Christians in Iraq told to convert to Islam or be killed!

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Okay, and now, can you make your point (and by point I mean a proper point) by quoting those verses in context instead of using them as random sets of words to supposedly prove your islamophobic and bigoted standpoint?


---------- Post added 19-07-2014 at 18:59 ----------



The naysayers are not going to take their blinkers off, BF, and allow the truth, and reason, and the hard evidence of the millions of ordinary, everyday, peaceable Muslims, going about their ordinary, everyday, peaceable lives, to get in the way of a good Islamophobic gob-frothing.


So you don't want to accept what he posted then? Why's that?

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The naysayers are not going to take their blinkers off, BF, and allow the truth, and reason, and the hard evidence of the millions of ordinary, everyday, peaceable Muslims, going about their ordinary, everyday, peaceable lives, to get in the way of a good Islamophobic gob-frothing.

christians fleeing in Iraq as we speak according to chanel4 news you believe it now pt:roll:

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Witnesses said messages telling Christians to leave the city by Saturday were blared through loudspeakers from the city’s mosques Friday.

warned Mosul’s Christians they should convert, pay a special tax, leave or face death.


“We were shocked by the distribution of a statement by the Islamic State calling on Christians to convert to Islam, or to pay unspecified tribute, or to leave their city and their homes taking only their clothes and no luggage, and that their homes would then belong to the Islamic State,” Sako said.


Islamic State militants had in recent days been tagging Christian houses with the letter N for “Nassarah”, the term by which the Koran refers to Christians.


The statement, which was seen by AFP, said “there will be nothing for them but the sword” if Christians reject those conditions.----------Just another report!


I'm going to have to go against the grain here and use a tu coque argument to counter the biased garbage you're using in mitigation of your utterly eroneous and senseless standpoint, I'm afraid.


Ok:- What about the Palestinian people, who were told by the Zionist authorities, the other day, that they had TEN MINUTES to get out of their homes before the Authorities were sending the missiles in?


(secondly) and what's with this "nassarah?" stuff?


In Islam, the Christians, as the Jews, are referred to as "Kitaabi" or "Peoples of The Book".


Nassarah is the name of a Wadi (water course) in the Lebanon.


Apart from the report you cut and pasted, this (Above) is the only other usage of that term.

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Okay, and now, can you make your point (and by point I mean a proper point) by quoting those verses in context instead of using them as random sets of words to supposedly prove your islamophobic and bigoted standpoint?


Here we go again, because the argument is clearly lost the name calling begins.

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Ok:- What about the Palestinian people, who were told by the Zionist authorities, the other day, that they had TEN MINUTES to get out of their homes before the Authorities were sending the missiles in?



start a thread about this if you like but keep to the topic in question :roll:

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Ok:- What about the Palestinian people, who were told by the Zionist authorities, the other day, that they had TEN MINUTES to get out of their homes before the Authorities were sending the missiles in?



Slightly different situations and the only thing they have in common is that Muslims are the aggressors.

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Okay, and now, can you make your point (and by point I mean a proper point) by quoting those verses in context instead of using them as random sets of words to supposedly prove your islamophobic and bigoted standpoint?

Here we go again, because the argument is clearly lost the name calling begins.


FYI, no name calling at all. The ARGUMENT, and his STANDPOINT were criticised, not him. Thanks.

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