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Christians in Iraq told to convert to Islam or be killed!

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Islam isn't just a religion, its a religious political and cultural system all rolled into one and it allows for the taxation of non Muslims in return for them being allowed to live in Islamic societies. Non Muslims then have to follow different rules but are allowed to practice their faith. The closet modern day system I can think of is a protection racket, pay your tax and we will protect you, don't and we will cause you some misery.


And if they default through no intended fault of their own? Living in a state (your own) where your life simply hangs in the balance because of your faith seems a wonderful choice. IMO ISIS are the dregs of humanity inflicting subjugation and fear, no different from the Taliban, Catholics and Nazis. It all boils down to land and riches.

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yay yet another example of EXTREMISTS doing their thing and using it as an example to hate muslims :roll:

so they also kill other muslims, and believe it or not muslims are battling them


so no post about the female kurdish battalion fighting against ISIS, sorry the islamic state?

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Why do the leftists always twist it so that any genuine dislike of radical Islam becoems a dislike of all muslims?


It can't really be described as a "phobia" (aonther word, like raycistt, the left love to randomly lob about) becuae there is nothing irrational about a fear or dislike of murderous extremist nutters is there?

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Okay, and now, can you make your point (and by point I mean a proper point) by quoting those verses in context instead of using them as random sets of words to supposedly prove your islamophobic and bigoted standpoint?



Could you explain the context of them please? They seem pretty staightforward to me.


Still waiting.........

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Why do the leftists always twist it so that any genuine dislike of radical Islam becoems a dislike of all muslims?


It can't really be described as a "phobia" (aonther word, like raycistt, the left love to randomly lob about) becuae there is nothing irrational about a fear or dislike of murderous extremist nutters is there?


because you do it as islam, or muslims NOT radical


we know radical muslims are violent and extreme and bad, these threads are purely a go at islam as a whole

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Why do the leftists always twist it so that any genuine dislike of radical Islam becoems a dislike of all muslims?


It can't really be described as a "phobia" (aonther word, like raycistt, the left love to randomly lob about) becuae there is nothing irrational about a fear or dislike of murderous extremist nutters is there?


You're doing that funny thing with words again.

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we know radical muslims are violent and extreme and bad, these threads are purely a go at islam as a whole


Unfortunately the good ones don't have it stamped on their foreheads, or the bad ones for that matter, that's what creates a phobia of the thing as a whole. Until islam is restored to its original peaceful meaning, this will always be the case.

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because you do it as islam, or muslims NOT radical


we know radical muslims are violent and extreme and bad, these threads are purely a go at islam as a whole


Not from my point of view they arn't - I don't like Islam much, but I also don't like Judaism, or Christianity either. They all belong in the middle east, in the iron age, keep em there and I think they are culturally interesting.

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Unfortunately the good ones don't have it stamped on their foreheads, or the bad ones for that matter, that's what creates a phobia of the thing as a whole. Until islam is restored to its original peaceful meaning, this will always be the case.

funny how the good ones get ignored on here too :roll:

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Unfortunately the good ones don't have it stamped on their foreheads, or the bad ones for that matter, that's what creates a phobia of the thing as a whole. Until islam is restored to its original peaceful meaning, this will always be the case.


You should research the history of Islam because it didn't have an original peaceful meaning, its been war and conquest since it beginning.

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