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How long before the NHS is completely Destroyed?

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So you think its a joke, think it will be here in 20 years, then wake up to reality, as the world is changing, and fast.


Well we are a client state of the USA, just in case you did not know it and they like all masters want reparation, continuously.


So they dreamed up a scheme that is designed to change life and society as you know it.


Have you heard of TTIP???????? I doubt it a


TTIP is meaningless to most, and uninteresting to the rest of the psychologically sedated.


TTIP is a trade deal, which would create a single market between the European Union and the United States. But with the USA it just has to be one sided in practice, despite the rhetoric.



Our ignorant PR trained prime minister’s refusal to exempt our health service from this deal that will make it impossible to reverse privatization, unless the prime minister makes it clear he will protect the NHS from the world’s largest bilateral trade negotiations, happening right now in Brussels.


The NHS through TTIP (the transatlantic trade and investment partnership) will be being sold off lock, stock and barrel. Reversing TTIP, once agree by Cameron, will be impossible.


You will also be unaware of the government’s Health and Social Care Act 2012, which opened the floodgates to the NHS sell-off. The act has increased the number of private providers in the NHS, and now folks, 70% of health services put out to tender have gone to the private sector.


Many of these companies are US-based or have Wall Street investors. Serco, for example, is involved in the provision of health services within the NHS and is owned by big Wall Street investment firms such as Invesco, Fidelity and BlackRock. Now TTIP gives these US investors new powers to sue any future UK government if it makes changes to health policy that might stop US profits.


The deal will mean that American investors will be able to haul any UK government that tries to reverse privatization to a tribunal – the “investor state dispute settlement” that would operate outside the law of this land. These tribunals will have the power to award billions in damages and compensation for lost profits and the loss of projected future profits, with NO RIGHT OF APPEAL.


In short, the British public would face massive costs to bring NHS services back into public hands, financially impossible.


The prime minister could easily protect our healthcare and our democratic right to vote for the health policies we want by insisting on an NHS exemption at the council. He has not done this. This from a career politician who admires Blair who danced to the tune of WALL Street, and is now showered with tens of millions. Do not forget Cameron was found to have had his hands in the expenses till, so a weal person psychologically, easily tempted by grown up sweeties.

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Sounds like it could be the basis of a better, more financially sound helath care system?

What you worrying about now?


Is that a healthcare system where you are asked for your credit card or private health insurance details before they put you on the stretcher?


---------- Post added 20-07-2014 at 02:52 ----------


ewwwwww seven hills you sound naive


here you go erebus its not ignored by everyone








Thanks for the link, signed.

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Is that a healthcare system where you are asked for your credit card or private health insurance details before they put you on the stretcher?


---------- Post added 20-07-2014 at 02:52 ----------



Thanks for the link, signed.


No it is one where they can actually afford to do what it is they do.

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For this and other reasons Cameron is a traitor. Itll be too late to do anything before most people notice though.


Reminds me of a few lines from Carry On up the Khyber


Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond: Do? Do? We're British. We won't do anything...


Major Shorthouse: ...until it's too late.


Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond: Exactly. That's the first sensible thing you've said all day.

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