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How long before the NHS is completely Destroyed?

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The only way the NHS will survive is by the implementation of tough reforms. It cannot keep going as NHS we know or love. Tough decisions will have to be made at some point and whatever they are, they are not going to be universally loved.


The question of how the NHS conducts itself isn't the issue, regardless of any reforms (which this proposal isn't).

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The Health and Social Care Act 2012 has broken the NHS. TTIP will mean it can never be re-established.


The French have removed their health service from the TTIP negotiations, but we have opted not to do that. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 has already allowed the private sector to take the profit making chunks of the NHS. What the TTIP will do is introduce the Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism, which means that US companies can use this tribunal system to sue future UK governments for any policy decisions which they perceive as disadvantaging them. The US tobacco company Phillip Morris is already using ISDS to pursue the Australian government for their new policy of plain packaging. So, should a future UK government decide that they want aspects of health provision, for example, to be provided exclusively by the state, they would be opening themselves up to being sued for millions in damages.

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The only way the NHS will survive is by the implementation of tough reforms. It cannot keep going as NHS we know or love. Tough decisions will have to be made at some point and whatever they are, they are not going to be universally loved.


One reform id bring in is you must be a UK resident, been here for more than 12 months and paid regular contributions for the whole of that 12 months.

If you have been here longer than 12 months, say 2 years then you must be contributing for the whole of that 2 years.

If you liver here, work here and contribute here then you deserve all the NHS has to offer should you need it. If you havent contributed anything or enough then you get nothing!

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If he does not stand up for the NHS, the Conservative Party will be assigned to the dustbin of history. Look how long it took them to get back in to power this time. The British Public are not the goldfish we used to be, we do remember.

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You can't have mass immigration on the scale we've had in the past 17 years AND an NHS. So it's time for the left to choose. Labour will choose mass immigration, I'm sure of it. Long ago they decided that identity politics was far more important than doing what is right for the British people. So why so many people still vote for them is beyond me.

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You can't have mass immigration on the scale we've had in the past 17 years AND an NHS. So it's time for the left to choose. Labour will choose mass immigration, I'm sure of it. Long ago they decided that identity politics was far more important than doing what is right for the British people. So why so many people still vote for them is beyond me.


We're not had a left wing political party running this country for at least 35 years now.

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Labour were left wing. Maybe not as left wing as some would have liked. You can't simply decide that something wasn't "left wing" after they make a mess of things.


The party that gained power in 1997 wasn't left wing, Mrs Thatcher said it was her greatest legacy. http://conservativehome.blogs.com/centreright/2008/04/making-history.html

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