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How long before the NHS is completely Destroyed?

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Any one think the Tories will actually sell off the Nhs? Ask 90% of Tory voters if they are keen to keep the Nhs they'll say yes. As a post earlier said if they privatise the Nhs they will never get into power again. That said if little Ed gets the keys to number 10 will he reverse anything? Blair certainly didn't.

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NHS is already broken. I've had two family members sue the NHS for compensation for negligence. They've £0.5m between them in compo but they'd rather have not been ill treated in the first place.


The best rated hospital in the UK is a private one run on behalf of the NHS, time they all went that way.

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yes and they're still building them and a lot of people don't know what pfi is.


If you object some people think you are just against their city getting a new hospital :loopy:


(I know people in Liverpool- who are having a big PFI scam foisted on them)


The real con of PFI is the up-lift in payments written into the contracts. So hospitals built under Blair 10 yrs ago will soon see payments on the contracts DOUBLE!

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If Scotland gets independence, England & Wales will be doomed to an eternity of Tory hell, and that will be the end of the NHS. It will have gone within 10 years because the Tories will be unstoppable.



1. Do everything you can to keep Scotland part of the UK.

2. Move to Scotland.


---------- Post added 21-07-2014 at 20:40 ----------


NHS is already broken. I've had two family members sue the NHS for compensation for negligence. They've £0.5m between them in compo but they'd rather have not been ill treated in the first place.


The best rated hospital in the UK is a private one run on behalf of the NHS, time they all went that way.

You are talking out of one very ignorant backside!
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NHS is already broken. I've had two family members sue the NHS for compensation for negligence. They've £0.5m between them in compo but they'd rather have not been ill treated in the first place.


The best rated hospital in the UK is a private one run on behalf of the NHS, time they all went that way.


which hospital is it and what is meant by 'best rated'?

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which hospital is it and what is meant by 'best rated'?




---------- Post added 21-07-2014 at 23:32 ----------


You are talking out of one very ignorant backside!


If you think the NHS delivers a brilliant service, I think you are the ignorant one!

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Socialism is to be obliterated in the world of corporatism, and the USA makes the rules, and everyone has to sign up. If not then the country becomes a target as its against the USA, so finance for the opposition or a compliant set of politicians and the stranglehold continues.


The USA is said to be the worlds largest economy, but its the largest war economy on earth, as its economy is based on war, or what decent people like Blair call defense, or security.


From a corporate point of view, all that tax take going to the NHS???? When it can feather corporate profits!!! Privatization better than state owned? Well let us look at the services, water, electricity and gas, and those wonderful profits, and the hike in charges over the last decade. This is the corporate way and once they get the money for health, well you know which way things will go. The poor will be squeezed, and anyway who cares when its about profit. The rest will like student loans start to contribute to their health, and like the loans, prices just go up, as profit is the aim, not health.


So let us take the USA as A MODEL FOR utopia, the way forward where corporations are king. Do you want to live in a society like that? That is the future planned by TTIP the trade agreement like the weapons obligations we have to buy, as a client state of the USA. Its their rules, its their world, its their laws, and their moral code, and if you don’t like it you might end up in one of their corporate prisons, where they make a profit out of you there.

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