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You picked on the wrong child..

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Yes vigilante justice. That's just the kind of society we want to be eh?


This country is civilised. An eye for an eye blah blah is not in our society.


Clearly you are just as delighted at some of these revenge actions taken too...






We are not animals and nobody should take the law into their own hands.

Sure, you're right, and if this man had spent any longer thinking about it he would have been committing a crime, but he acted in the moment to defend his son. That's legal in the UK. It's down to reasonable force, and I would have to say that a fit 18 year old male needs to be rendered unconscious or physically restrained, which is difficult if you're on your own against him. Your primary responsibility is this child, and there isn't really any opportunity for niceties in such situations. I would have done the same.
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I think the filth got away lightly. Many Fathers would have dished out much more punishment than our American friend did.


If this filth was caught in the act, his meat and two veg ought have been on the lawn:thumbsup:, while he was laid on the floor inside the house in great pain.



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The father has not been charged with a crime, and police sound as if they believe his actions were justified.


'Dad was acting like a dad. I don't see anything we should charge the dad with,' Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood told WFTS.



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The father has not been charged with a crime, and police sound as if they believe his actions were justified.


'Dad was acting like a dad. I don't see anything we should charge the dad with,' Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood told WFTS.




That's because elected police departments have to kowtow to public opinion, rather than what the law actually says to some extent...

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I'm bemused that people are using words like 'vigilantism' and 'revenge'. This isn't that, this is a father reacting to circumstances in front of his face and acting in the heat of the moment. Its not like this was a considered act and the father pursued the criminal after the act and beat him. He caught him doing it and beat him to prevent him completing the act.


If anything he rescued the boy. Thats self defence, he isn't a vigilante. Its not revenge, he's defending his child. How can you confuse the two? Its not like he's set up a lynch mob to get the molester after he was declared not guilty and the justice system failed him. Are people so determined to turn their faces from the truth they will defend anything?

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