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Renting is ruining people's lives

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IF the HB is paid direct to the landlord there is less chance it'll get diverted to smokes and drinks..... IT keeps the landlord happy, and whilst the tenant may be less happy it does mean they still keep a roof over their head.


A bit unfair and biased don't you think?


When you're short of money and there isn't enough to go round, it's a choice between food, electric or rent.


Smokes and drinks don't come into it.

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A bit unfair and biased don't you think?


When you're short of money and there isn't enough to go round, it's a choice between food, electric or rent.


Smokes and drinks don't come into it.


No I don't.


Smokes and drinks are addictive, and for alcoholics or just the terminally stressed they will come before food electric and rent. Why do you think the provision to pay the money direct to the landlord exists....

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IF the HB is paid direct to the landlord there is less chance it'll get diverted to smokes and drinks..... IT keeps the landlord happy, and whilst the tenant may be less happy it does mean they still keep a roof over their head.


I cannot see any justification for a tenant to be unhappy. HB is for rent only, and nothing else.


A bit unfair and biased don't you think?

When you're short of money and there isn't enough to go round, it's a choice between food, electric or rent.

Not unfair at all. Smokes and drinks don't come into it.


Unfair? Are you for real?:roll:

As stated above, HB is for rent. The local authority do not pay HB so that a tenant can buy food, electric or anything else other than pay the rent. It is not a helping hand for tenants that cannot manage their finances. In a council property the tenant would have to manage as they don`t even see the money. In your book, it is ok for a person to spend money that does not belong to them.



paying your rent should be a priority over every thing, if you dont pay it, you are on the street, no matter who your landlord is


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The landlord is the one who puts his money into the property to provide a home for someone to live in.The landlord is the one who spends thousands renovating the property to make it a good standard to live in. The landlord is the one who has to pay the mortgage. The landlord is the one who has the maintenance and repairs to the property to pay for . You think every penny of the rent is profit for the landlord. ? Think again.


The house rented out for £1300 a month is obviously a HMO , which rake in vastly higher rents than a house rented a one unit. Nowt wrong with maximising a properties earning potential. some people are all too quick to knock us landlords, but remember who invests the money to provide a home in the first place.


Thank you so much for that lesson. As we have only been letting a house on the same street for the last twenty years, finished and maintained to a far higher standard than the one across the road, for a quarter of the rent, we clearly need to learn from you about life as a landlord. Or maybe not.

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I cannot see any justification for a tenant to be unhappy. HB is for rent only, and nothing else.


Unfair? Are you for real?:roll:

As stated above, HB is for rent. The local authority do not pay HB so that a tenant can buy food, electric or anything else other than pay the rent. It is not a helping hand for tenants that cannot manage their finances. In a council property the tenant would have to manage as they don`t even see the money. In your book, it is ok for a person to spend money that does not belong to them.



Yes I am for real thank you very much, and I live in the real world, which you apparantly do not.


Of course HB is for rent and should take top priority, but we are not talking ideal world here, we are talking about a world of poverty and need. Have you ever been hungry, or watched your kids be hungry?


Managing finances is straightforward when you have enough to go round, but a lot of these people do not, and when there simply isn't enough something has to give. Managing money in these circumstances sometimes means having to rob Peter to pay Paul.


I particularly object to this idea that they are ALL feckless individuals who spend what money they have on fags and drink. Many are in genuine need through no fault of their own.


You sound like some Victorian workhouse grandee. Time to get down off your high horse and find a little empathy.

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Yes I am for real thank you very much, and I live in the real world, which you apparantly do not.


Of course HB is for rent and should take top priority, but we are not talking ideal world here, we are talking about a world of poverty and need. Have you ever been hungry, or watched your kids be hungry?


Managing finances is straightforward when you have enough to go round, but a lot of these people do not, and when there simply isn't enough something has to give. Managing money in these circumstances sometimes means having to rob Peter to pay Paul.


I particularly object to this idea that they are ALL feckless individuals who spend what money they have on fags and drink. Many are in genuine need through no fault of their own.


You sound like some Victorian workhouse grandee. Time to get down off your high horse and find a little empathy.


I am not having a go Ann but, i used to work shifts which meant i could go to the pub in the afternoon, the biggest majority of people in there was people on benefits, of which all of them was in arrears with there rent, which meant that they had to have there rent taken out of there benefits before they got it, so then they spent other money they got in benefit on beer and fags, and i personally know of at least two relatively young people who was out every dinner and night cadging and selling every thing they could so they could get a drink and smoke,But what i am getting to is the said two both died through a heart attack through drink and malnutrition,

I wonder Ann if people are on benefits and get an allowance for rent, food, energy, cloths etc in short enough money to live on "millions do it" why do a minority say they cant, if taking a loan out they will be spending money which is meant for other things to pay it back.

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I particularly object to this idea that they are ALL feckless individuals who spend what money they have on fags and drink. Many are in genuine need through no fault of their own.


You sound like some Victorian workhouse grandee. Time to get down off your high horse and find a little empathy.


You can object till the cows come home, it will not make one bit of difference to me. You need to stop living in the fantasy world and open your eyes. (Kidley is another one that has just put you right-below). Empathy means seeing how the other person sees it, and in this case this means the tenant that blows their free handouts of cash on beer & fags instead of putting food on the table for their starving kids. Because, as they see it, they simply don`t care. It is the way they were dragged up, and their kids will be dragged up just the same. Maybe the reason why this bothers you so much is because you are from the same level of society. Like they say, the truth hurts. Tough


I am not having a go Ann but, i used to work shifts which meant i could go to the pub in the afternoon, the biggest majority of people in there was people on benefits, of which all of them was in arrears with there rent, which meant that they had to have there rent taken out of there benefits before they got it, so then they spent other money they got in benefit on beer and fags, and i personally know of at least two relatively young people who was out every dinner and night cadging and selling every thing they could so they could get a drink and smoke,But what i am getting to is the said two both died through a heart attack through drink and malnutrition,

I wonder Ann if people are on benefits and get an allowance for rent, food, energy, cloths etc in short enough money to live on "millions do it" why do a minority say they cant, if taking a loan out they will be spending money which is meant for other things to pay it back.


You`re wasting your time mate. You may as well go bang your head on the brick wall instead of trying to educate this one.:roll:

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I particularly object to this idea that they are ALL feckless individuals who spend what money they have on fags and drink.


You can object as much as you like Anna. You will note however that no-one has said that ALL of them are "feckless individuals".


There is a problem however amongst that demographic that means that they can sometimes blow the rent on things that it shouldnt be used for. Far better that it actually goes on rent and they keep a roof over.... we've been here before. It's Anna, she won't listen...


Yeah sure, all landlords are evil robber barons - is that what you want to hear Anna because you sure won;t listen to any other viewpoint will you....

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