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Buzzcocks at the Leadmill


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I had a very irate call from my sister last night.


She went with my bro-in-law to see the Buzzcocks at the Leadmill, they paid £14 each to get in, spent a total of an hour and a half in the place and enjoyed the gig.


The band left the stage at approx 10.10pm so sis and hubby went to get some more drinks, only to be told by the bar staff that they now needed a new entrance ticket to be served drinks as the Leadmill was now operating as a nightclub and not a gig venue :confused:


Apparently the £14 each they'd already paid only covered the time spent in the Leadmill while the gig was on and does not cover after gig admission so they would've needed to go back outside and buy new tickets to buy any further drinks!


Needless to say they didn't and headed off elsewhere :mad:


Is this standard practise at the Leadmill?

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Why is it cheeky? The same venue is operated as a live music venue and also a nightclub. They paid to watch a gig not to get in a club :confused:
A gesture of goodwill perhaps? They probably bought drinks and a %age of the admit' fee will have gone to the club so why charge them again. Pure greed and lack of relations customer I reckon :| I'm sure you do 'little bits' for your customers without charge now and again to keep em sweet ?
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A gesture of goodwill perhaps? They probably bought drinks and a %age of the admit' fee will have gone to the club so why charge them again. Pure greed and lack of relations customer I reckon :| I'm sure you do 'little bits' for your customers without charge now and again to keep em sweet ?


They did indeed buy drinks during the gig and wanted to buy more not realising that they wouldn't be allowed to without buying another entrance ticket.


But no matter, you live and learn, next time you go to a gig at the Leadmill, make plans to leave when the gig is finished if you don't want to pay twice over :hihi:

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A gesture of goodwill perhaps? They probably bought drinks and a %age of the admit' fee will have gone to the club so why charge them again. Pure greed and lack of relations customer I reckon :| I'm sure you do 'little bits' for your customers without charge now and again to keep em sweet ?


It's a business - it's there to earn money. Just because the two happen to be at the same venue is irrelevant. What happens if everyone from a gig decides to stay in the club for the night and are allowed to stay for free - the club could be nearly full but not taken any entrance money. Clubs charge entrance money to make sure they can cover their costs - barstaff, security, dj's etc. - letting people in for free would seriously screw the accounts up.

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At least your sister enjoyed the gig, LellyBee. I though the whole thing was awful. Steve Diggle should have been concentrating on playing his guitar properly instead of pratting around on stage so much.

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