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EU - 2014: Year against food waste

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Unfortunately the problem isn't necessarily in the household - it is in the process leading up to the stuff getting into your house.



I think the problem is end to end. I also saw on the news that Sainsburys are powering a store using waste food - this suggests to me that they are generating too much waste.


Before my local authority started collecting food waste for recycling, they estimated that food made up 30% of the waste they were sending to landfill. That is far too much waste and isn't just a few spud peelings and egg shells!


I sometimes waste food - as a single person household, I have to plan very carefully because most things come in packs that are too big for me. This means use of the freezer and sometimes eating the same meal twice in a row. But as well as being a waste of money I find food waste immoral. In the case of meat, in particular, an animal has died to create my food so I find it very wrong to simply throw it in the bin.

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There have been moves like this before. Did anyone see The Peoples Supermarket where the guy in London was running an independent supermarket was buying rejected veg from farms and selling it off and people were buying it just fine

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Why not a "Year Against The Waste That Is The EU"?


I'll happily place a bet on the fact that food waste is costing the UK a hell of a lot more than the EU, I also don't think the UK on its own can tackle this problem, whereas the EU actually stands a fair chance of at least denting it. jog along now UKIPper.


There have been moves like this before. Did anyone see The Peoples Supermarket where the guy in London was running an independent supermarket was buying rejected veg from farms and selling it off and people were buying it just fine


Yes, that was a good initiative, shame it doesn't really seem to spread so far, although one would imagine it becoming more prominent in coming years.

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Losing the idiot "best before " dates on food would be a good idea.


:clap: Agreed. In shops dates are such a big deal; companies are only trying to stay in the law but the law should relax on it. No one should be disciplined or sacked because there is a bag or two of carrots on sale on the 22nd that are dated 21st!

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