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Generation Landlord

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You can buy a flat on Regents Court for about £55k.....

one person on just above NMW can afford that, and its not a bad place at all.


And once you've bought it you start paying service charges.....currently about £3000 a year!

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My minds made up...IF you are earning the NMW at say 25 you have done someting wrong in your life-plenty of time to put it right but not the best time to want kids, houses, holidays etc.


Thats not particularly "nice" but it is particularly true.


Unfortunately many graduates leave university with no job. Their option is to either sign on the dole or take any job that involves supermarket work, for minimum wages. Would you rather they languish on the dole or take up MW jobs, even at 25?

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My minds made up...IF you are earning the NMW at say 25 you have done someting wrong in your life-plenty of time to put it right but not the best time to want kids, houses, holidays etc.


Thats not particularly "nice" but it is particularly true.


Weren't you in the NMW at some point, or was it the NUM back in your day?

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Ther is only so much even the Governments we suffer can take off the people, so there s a limited pot of money available to dole out


understand that bit?


So if the pot is limited, savings have to be made "somewhere"


Got that?


And it is politically easier to "think of the children"

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Ther is only so much even the Governments we suffer can take off the people, so there s a limited pot of money available to dole out


understand that bit?


So if the pot is limited, savings have to be made "somewhere"


Got that?


And it is politically easier to "think of the children"


So are you saying that the only people paying for this are the old, infirm and the ill? And if so are these people not tax payers?

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