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Rasputin, Archduke Ferdinand, ww1, strange coincidence

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Is this how you always get your rocks off? And hey I know that ration books disappeared in the 1950s.


Why not contribute something meaningful to the discussion instead of practicing your usual habit of flexing your pseudo-intellect ? :D


Like you do, lecturing us about what Europe's like despite having lived thousands of miles away for decades?

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Like you do, lecturing us about what Europe's like despite having lived thousands of miles away for decades?


So Kosovo, Bosnia, Montenegro, the Crimea, the Ukraine and Russia are not part of Europe then?


Where does Europe start for you or are the above part of the "near western middle east" ? :D


BTW big surprise ! Here we have TV with people who sit in front of the camera called newscasters


---------- Post added 27-07-2014 at 20:57 ----------


Rasputin for a time was virtually in control of Russia. His influence over the Tsar and especially the Empress Alexandra was so great that government ministers were being hired and fired on the basis of their popularity with Rasputin. Rasputin had only to suggest to Alexandra that such and such a minister had to go that Alexandra would get that minister dismissed. Needless to say Alexandra had no time for any form of government in this case the Duma, and believed that the Tsar ruled by the will of God.


From "Nicholas and Alexandra" by Robert K. Massie

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Just to clear things up. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated 0n the 28th June 1914, by our calendar. Are you claiming that Rasputin was attacked by Khionia Guseva on the 29th June 1914 by our calendar?


According to my records she stabbed him on the 12th July 1914 by our calendar, but the 29th June 1914 by the calendar that the Russians were using at the time, so there was an actual space of a couple of weeks between the attacks.


It's anomalies like this that lead to the October revolution actually occurring in November here in the UK.


have you got any links to your" records" ?just about everything I've looked at puts it at either the same day or the day after

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Rasputin was killed in Saint Petersburg at the very end of the year 1916. Over two years, after Franz Ferdinand's car took that fatal wrong turning in Belgrade.


I wondered what ever happened to the chauffeur, whose mistake basically led to Princip getting his chance.


also the two assassinations could not be more different. They tried to kill Rasputin, using about five different methods before they succeeded, even though it was planned and pre-meditated. Whereas two years earlier, Princip managed to kill both Franz Ferdinand and his wife with two shots when he was taken by surprise having realised he had got a flukey, totally unexpected opportunity. A single shot from a 1914 handgun is not actually all that likely to inflict a fatal wound, even at close range. For two shots to kill two people, is very long odds indeed.

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have you got any links to your" records" ?just about everything I've looked at puts it at either the same day or the day after


The day after by the Russian calendar! Not the day after by our calendar! At the time we're discussing the Russians were using a different calendar to the rest of us, so they were using different dates.


Have you ever wondered why the Russian October Revolution happened in November here?


Here's an article in the NYTimes reporting the attack on the July 13th.

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Rasputin was killed in Saint Petersburg at the very end of the year 1916. Over two years, after Franz Ferdinand's car took that fatal wrong turning in Belgrade.


I wondered what ever happened to the chauffeur, whose mistake basically led to Princip getting his chance.


also the two assassinations could not be more different. They tried to kill Rasputin, using about five different methods before they succeeded, even though it was planned and pre-meditated. Whereas two years earlier, Princip managed to kill both Franz Ferdinand and his wife with two shots when he was taken by surprise having realised he had got a flukey, totally unexpected opportunity. A single shot from a 1914 handgun is not actually all that likely to inflict a fatal wound, even at close range. For two shots to kill two people, is very long odds indeed.



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lol yes of course Sarajevo. A pretty unforgivable howler particularly as I am reading Hastings new WW1 Catastrophe book at the moment.


but the calendars do not not come into it at all. Not when Franz Ferdinand was killed in 1914 and Rasputin in 1916.


The man whose death caused the First World War, and the man who could have been an influence on averting the war, were struck down at the same moment.


this quote is total nonsense as Rasputin was alive for the first two years of the war, and also Franz Ferdinand was one of the Hapsburg high ups most opposed to war with Russia. So the Serbian nationalists actually took out the one Hapsburg who least wanted to provoke war and had he lived, war - which would in all likelihood have happened anyway - would have stood more chance of being averted. Had Franz Ferdinand not been assassinated, the Hapsburg Empire would have been much less likely to find another pretext to go to war with Serbia and Russia. Franz Ferdinand would have opposed it. Impossible for him to do or try to do that of course, when he was dead.

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lol yes of course Sarajevo. A pretty unforgivable howler particularly as I am reading Hastings new WW1 Catastrophe book at the moment.


but the calendars do not not come into it at all. Not when Franz Ferdinand was killed in 1914 and Rasputin in 1916.




this quote is total nonsense as Rasputin was alive for the first two years of the war, and also Franz Ferdinand was one of the Hapsburg high ups most opposed to war with Russia. So the Serbian nationalists actually took out the one Hapsburg who least wanted to provoke war and had he lived, war - which would in all likelihood have happened anyway - would have stood more chance of being averted. Had Franz Ferdinand not been assassinated, the Hapsburg Empire would have been much less likely to find another pretext to go to war with Serbia and Russia. Franz Ferdinand would have opposed it. Impossible for him to do or try to do that of course, when he was dead.



read the rest of the posts before you start shooting your mouth off .

rasputin was hospitalized ferdernand was murdered.


quote// 6/29/1914, the day after the assassination of the Austrian Archduke, Rasputin was stabbed and severely injured by a woman named Khionia Guseva, who was a disciple of the monk Iliodor. Iliodor, whose true given name was Sergei Michailovich Trufanov, was a member of the Black Hundreds, an ultra-nationalist society that wanted, not increasing liberalization, but a return to more autocratic rule. The entire organization was rabidly anti-Semitic. There seems little doubt that Iliodor was behind the attack on Rasputin, although there is no hard proof that the stabbing was ordered by the leaders of the Black Hundreds. Yet this strange cult has much in common with other secret or semi-secret societies that have played such a sinister role in human history. Whatever the case, while Rasputin was hospitalized, the Czar made the fatal error of entering the war, setting the stage for his own downfall.


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