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Rasputin, Archduke Ferdinand, ww1, strange coincidence

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He did say that he had been to the U.S once. He's one of the fortunate ones with a natural gift of being an instant expert on any place he visits. He certainly has sounded like an expert from his past posts. He has never said anything positive though. Next time he should stay in a better place. Motel 6 in east Detroit just doesnt hack it :hihi:
Motel 6 where they keep a light on for you. Monsieur Le Chamoix Leather there must know what that means.
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Did you actually read that thread you linked to?


From post #10 by Forum Admin;


"Franz Ferdinand was no question shot on June 28 NEW STYLE. This corresponds exactly to Spiridovitch's June 15 date. Rasputin was stabbed the 29th OLD STYLE, which would be July 12 NS.


The confusion among authors seems to arise from not realizing that the date reported in Spiridovitch and other places was OS date. Rasputin was stabbed June 29, 1914 OLD STYLE (July 12 NS) , which was actually two weeks after the fact of the shooting of Franz Ferdinand. Is this clear now?"




yes I did actually read the thread and I did spend a bit of time looking at other sites to be sure( I don't just rely on wika) and it does seem that spiridovitich date was os

but like sarushka /

I'm amazed that so many authors in both Russia and the west seem to have botched the dates. Radzinsky, whom I would expect to be adept at juggling OS/NS dates, perpetuates the myth that the two events happened within a day of one another. Even Bokhanov and the predominantly Russian team responsible for Love, Power and Tragedy seem to use an unfortunate mixture of OS and NS throughout the book, thus making it unclear whether they interpreted Spridovich correctly.:)

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I'm amazed that so many authors in both Russia and the west seem to have botched the dates. Radzinsky, whom I would expect to be adept at juggling OS/NS dates, perpetuates the myth that the two events happened within a day of one another. Even Bokhanov and the predominantly Russian team responsible for Love, Power and Tragedy seem to use an unfortunate mixture of OS and NS throughout the book, thus making it unclear whether they interpreted Spridovich correctly.:)


I doubt if anything else will be discussed in the pubs of Sheffield tonight.

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I doubt if anything else will be discussed in the pubs of Sheffield tonight.



the halibut clone strikes again:suspect:


---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 05:57 ----------


Like you do, lecturing us about what Europe's like despite having lived thousands of miles away for decades?




I think you mean "you " since when were you the official spokesman for sf or uk for that matter.


you never offer anything constructive or imformitive to a thread I don't know why you bother...as for your constant sly digs at harelyman and buck being expats and posting on sf, in my experience here and overseas I 've found its the expats care and know more about their country of origin than pretend English like you.


just a quick glance at your past posts and all you seem to do is spend most of your time on sf just following round the people you hate , hoping they're going to make a spelling mistake or whatever so you can post one of your snide remarks .then when people respond to your drivel in kind you're on the report button to get the thread closed down ,get a life ffs

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...as for your constant sly digs at harelyman and buck being expats and posting on sf, in my experience here and overseas I 've found its the expats care and know more about their country of origin than pretend English like you.


These people care so much about their homeland that they leave it and go and live abroad whereas people who don't emigrate are pretend. Right.


....you never offer anything constructive or imformitive to a thread...


From the OP who started a thread based on a "fact" that wasn't in fact a fact.

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These people care so much about their homeland that they leave it and go and live abroad whereas people who don't emigrate are pretend. Right.


no wrong / I said pretend english like you. nobody else just you :)


From the OP who started a thread based on a "fact" that wasn't in fact a fact.

like you care about facts or the thread for that matter ,the only thing you're interested in is point scoring off peoples mistakes (which more or less is all you do on this forum)to satisfy your tiny little ego.

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no wrong / I said pretend english like you. nobody else just you :)



like you care about facts or the thread for that matter ,the only thing you're interested in is point scoring off peoples mistakes (which more or less is all you do on this forum)to satisfy your tiny little ego.


I'm English enough to know that English is spelt with a capital letter.


Tiny egos by definition don't need to be satisfied. The bigger the ego, the more satisfaction it requires.


Your go.

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the halibut clone strikes again:suspect:


---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 05:57 ----------




I think you mean "you " since when were you the official spokesman for sf or uk for that matter.


you never offer anything constructive or imformitive to a thread I don't know why you bother...as for your constant sly digs at harelyman and buck being expats and posting on sf, in my experience here and overseas I 've found its the expats care and know more about their country of origin than pretend English like you.


just a quick glance at your past posts and all you seem to do is spend most of your time on sf just following round the people you hate , hoping they're going to make a spelling mistake or whatever so you can post one of your snide remarks .then when people respond to your drivel in kind you're on the report button to get the thread closed down ,get a life ffs


You need to pity our plastic Maquisard chum. :D He's so lost in his own sense of superiority coupled with an unbelievable arrogance that he's long past realizing that he's a pr...


Who was the Scotsman who once said "if we could only see ourselves as others see us" or summat like that ?

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I'm English enough to know that English is spelt with a capital letter.


Tiny egos by definition don't need to be satisfied. The bigger the ego, the more satisfaction it requires.


Your go.


not english enough to have a sense of humour:hihi::hihi:r




Pity people have so little in their lives, to comment on things like this!!! Thye really should get out more....................



No. [B]They[/b] should get out more.





QUOTE=john carr;10609761]Can't believe anyone was gullible enough to fall for that.


....another example of your anal personality,

from the thread on Spelling Annoyances:rolleyes:


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