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Crack dealer cannot be deported, relies on NHS

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Diabetic American crack dealer cannot be deported 'because he and depressed girlfriend will miss out on NHS care'






What a stupid stupid country, this is becoming - They probably have a nice council house as well.


Not very often I agree with you, but bang on the money well said

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But a UK resident would be on the first plane out of the USA if it had happened over there!






There's no reason not to deport somebody here. Can't deport somebody with health problems to the USA because they're a backwards country with no healthcare. Just like we can't deport anybody to face the death penalty there. Maybe if/when they civilise a bit it'll be safe to send criminals back there.

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Oh, right. I read and the subject matter and before I opened this thread I though to myself this has to contain a link to a Daily Mail article ... Lo and behold ...


---------- Post added 23-07-2014 at 07:44 ----------



Correction, what you personally consider to be right

Mecky - try going to any other country for free health care!


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A slightly more balanced view on the reporting, where it's the "right to family life" clause that has actually seen him not deported.

It mentions children, it doesn't say whether they were born here and thus are British.


The DM article mentions the children too:

"Judge Dawson's decision goes on to say the woman would be unable to stay in the US unless she married Callie, who has two sons who are both British citizens."

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Let's not forget, this bloke has already cost us thousands while he was doing his three and a half years in prison, I presume that they are both claiming benefits while they're in the country, benefits that should rightly go to law-abiding citizens who pay/paid their taxes.


This is not the first time something like this has happened, anyone remember "The Cat" that stopped a bloke being deported.


While it is unusual for an American citizen to be in this position, it seems to me that more and more Eastern European people are being convicted of serious crime, and by serious crime I mean crimes where violence has occurred, and yet we can't deport them. It seems to me that the government is saying, sure, come over here, rob our citizens, commit crimes of violence against our citizens and after you come out of prison will give you a nice house and pension via the DWP.


Why is it so difficult to deport people from the UK?

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There's freedom of movement within the EU, if we deported somebody to an EU country then they'd be free to come back whenever they wanted. We can't deport to countries where they'd be denied vital medical treatment or where they could be tortured or executed.

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The point is that this bloke did 7 years for dealing Crack, causing pain and suffering to god knows how many brittish citizens and we can't kick him out of the country because he's ill and needs the NHS to foot the bill for his treatment because he can't afford to pay for it back in the states.

When will the government of this country grow a pair and do whats RIGHT!


The government do intend to appeal the law courts verdict but it should never have to go to appeal.


Is he still dealing?

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Does a US citizen need a visa to be resident here? If so, whether he's "still" dealing is irrelevant, one condition of a visa should be not committing any crimes.


Unfortunately having children here probably trumps the desire to deport him, as it would breach his right to family life.

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There's freedom of movement within the EU, if we deported somebody to an EU country then they'd be free to come back whenever they wanted. We can't deport to countries where they'd be denied vital medical treatment or where they could be tortured or executed.


Pity (in some cases)

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