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Romanian family 17 children in overcrowded conditions

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This father works and receives benefits like millions of people in this country, so why are the press condemning him? Isn't it the fault of the system, rather then his fault?


For many people, their religious beliefs object to birth control.



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Lying to get a tenancy is grounds to seek eviction= http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/eviction/eviction_of_council_tenants/grounds_for_evicting_council_tenants

This is what happened to most of the landlords in page hall, a family of four signs up for a house and next thing you know about 12 move in.

Evict the lying so and so, he is earning good money so his children won't suffer.

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I thought all benefits were capped at £500 a week, per household.


So how are they getting over double that - I thought child benefit and stuff was included in the cap??


Every month the family receive £2,500 in tax credit, £1,400 in housing benefit and £700 in child benefit

£55,000 a year in benefits

checks are now being made to see if their income breaches the cap of £500-a-week, or £26,000-a-year.
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He takes a job from a British worker.

An house from a British family.

£55,000 a year from the British tax payer.

Uses the NHS for free.

Gets a free education for his kids, at a cost to the tax payer of £2000 per year for each child.



Can anyone explain how this is good for Britain?

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This immigration malarky really needs looking at doesnt it.

The border needs closing to immigrants while they sort it,theyre are too many people coming here to "have a better life" as they always put it but the upshot of that is a gigantic strain on the benefits sytem and housing.

Seriosly needs urgent action.

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This father works and receives benefits like millions of people in this country, so why are the press condemning him? Isn't it the fault of the system, rather then his fault?


For many people, their religious beliefs object to birth control.




This thread confirms it. You are a troll.

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This immigration malarky really needs looking at doesnt it.

The border needs closing to immigrants while they sort it,theyre are too many people coming here to "have a better life" as they always put it but the upshot of that is a gigantic strain on the benefits sytem and housing.

Seriosly needs urgent action.


This is nothing to so with immigration though, so why bring it up? This is a housing issue and also about the plight of a hard working man trying to do the best for his family.

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