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Screaming Trampolining Children!

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You still don't get it, do you? Some kids would find tormenting animals fun, or throwing paint over their neighbour's fence, or knocking on their door all day long and running away. Most children (not to mention a fair few adults) would class destroying things as great fun. No reasonable adult would argue that just because something is 'fun' for a child, it makes it right. Perhaps we must conclude that you are not a reasonable adult and leave it at that. Although you seem hell bent ignoring the fact,children having fun does not have to involve endless shrieking. It really doesn't.


In any case, the neighbours whose lives are being restricted by the children screaming are not at work - they are at home trying - not unreasonably - to enjoy their gardens in this nice weather. Some of them are night shift workers, my daughter for example, who is an A & E doctor trying to sleep during the day before 12 hour night shifts. She was kept awake at the weekend by six hours of kids' screaming from next door, which the parents afterwards agreed was a bit selfish of them. A bleary eyed, sleep deprived doctor in A & E is not great.


That must depend on your perspective of what is interesting and important. But as I said, if you think this is a non-issue for you, simply don't contribute. To do otherwise would certainly suggest poppet2 is right about you being a troll. Do us all a favour and toddle off to a thread you find genuinely interesting.


Are you saying that screaming on a trampoline is akin to throwing paint on a fence or tormenting animals?!.....and you have the cheek to call me an unreasonable adult?

If you can't see the difference between a child deliberately misbehaving and losing self control through shear joy and excitement, then I think it's you that's being unreasonable.


I'd be on the trampoline with them, having fun. I can't remember the last time I lost control because I was having so much fun. It's sad that this side of life eludes us so much once we grow older.


---------- Post added 27-07-2014 at 13:43 ----------


Screaming is a natural response to fear and pain, but if unchecked it can become contagious and habitual, I think. Perhaps because it is so prevalent (even encouraged) at theme parks on 'scary' rides, kids associate it with having fun and transfer it to other situations where there is an element of artificial/perceived danger, e.g. more than one person on a trampoline, or jumping into a pool.


Whatever the reason, it's bloody antisocial and parents need to exercise some responsibility!


I think it's equally endemic amongst girls and boys - but girls tend to be shriller/higher pitched, so even harder on the ears!


Screaming isn't solely a natural response to fear and pain!? I don't know why you think that?


Fear and laughter are reactions that take place in the same part of the brain. They are essentially the same thing.


---------- Post added 27-07-2014 at 13:44 ----------


Are you saying it is wrong for professional psychologists to write books for laymen and people on the SF, to read and learn from? :confused:


What is your objection to people reading about psychology, or any subject come to that matter and learning from what they have read?


How would we learn about history or most things, were it not for books?


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 11:22 ----------



Don't worry, Jeremy's having 'Troll week' next week, that should keep you busy.


Another fine example of trolling! Can't help yourself can you!?:hihi:

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Another fine example of trolling! Can't help yourself can you!?


Please explain? :confused:

Oh, and while you're at it, I thought you weren't going to bother with my posts any more?!!!


Now who can't help themselves troll.:hihi:

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Well I have found out where the shrieking and squealing round our way is coming from and the cause of it - I heard 'daddy' come out and tell his children 'no more throwing water' - silence ensued, for how long I couldn't say:D

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Please explain? :confused:

Oh, and while you're at it, I thought you weren't going to bother with my posts any more?!!!


Now who can't help themselves troll.:hihi:


All you've done is provoke me. Pathetic.


---------- Post added 27-07-2014 at 16:06 ----------


Well I have found out where the shrieking and squealing round our way is coming from and the cause of it - I heard 'daddy' come out and tell his children 'no more throwing water' - silence ensued, for how long I couldn't say:D


What a kill joy! Get the water guns out and join in, I say!

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Are you saying it is wrong for professional psychologists to write books for laymen and people on the SF, to read and learn from? :confused:


What is your objection to people reading about psychology, or any subject come to that matter and learning from what they have read?


How would we learn about history or most things, were it not for books?[color="Silver"




No wonder their are arguments on this forum, some of them cant read, good example O.Ps first post

Please explain how my first post demonstrates that I cannot read.
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No wonder their are arguments on this forum, some of them cant read, good example O.Ps first post




Please explain how my first post demonstrates that I cannot read.




:hihi::hihi: nice one alice, errrrrrrm you are joking arnt you

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Maybe if individuals took the time to quote quotes correctly the argument theory would reduce.


If my post are easily understandable, thats good enough for anybody, point me in the direction of the rule's on quotations!!

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