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Screaming Trampolining Children!

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Excuse me if this hasn't been said already, saw all the pages and just didn't fancy trawling them all. When i was younger (long time ago now) trampolines were only ever in schools or sports arenas, not in the garden, but what we did have was a paddling pool in which we splashed and played, and no doubtedly screamed, as did all my friends who had their own pools, and no doubtedly, so did thousands of other children. My point being, kids have always screamed and played, no matter what they play on or in. I have 3 children of my own and sometimes the screaming does get a bit loud, nothing that a quiet "keep it down girls" doesn't sort. Children are only young once and i would in no way want to suppress their growing up, they are doing that fast enough these days as it is and i would sooner know where they are and what they are doing, some parents don't give a monkeys these days as long as the kids aren't troubling them..

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Excuse me if this hasn't been said already, saw all the pages and just didn't fancy trawling them all. When i was younger (long time ago now) trampolines were only ever in schools or sports arenas, not in the garden, but what we did have was a paddling pool in which we splashed and played, and no doubtedly screamed, as did all my friends who had their own pools, and no doubtedly, so did thousands of other children. My point being, kids have always screamed and played, no matter what they play on or in. I have 3 children of my own and sometimes the screaming does get a bit loud, nothing that a quiet "keep it down girls" doesn't sort. Children are only young once and i would in no way want to suppress their growing up, they are doing that fast enough these days as it is and i would sooner know where they are and what they are doing, some parents don't give a monkeys these days as long as the kids aren't troubling them..


Well said,the thing is, that most mothers will say they are good mothers and they bring there kids up in a good and proper manner when, from the outside looking in they don't, with regards screaming you have only to walk past a infant and junior school play time in the school yard to see/hear the screaming that goes on. Is it natural for kids to scream - a lot of them do it without any training.

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The difference is that in a school playground the screaming only lasts 30 minutes at most. I live opposite a primary school which has a nursery where the children play outside whenever possible - all day long if the weather permits. It's brilliant. They're allowed to scream and run wild during break times, but not all day long. It seems to work well enough.


The problem with some people's reactions to the subject matter of this thread is that for some reason they feel they have to launch themselves towards one extreme or the other, not to mention misrepresenting my views in the process.It's either 'Children having fun is paramount, nothing should stop them and anyone who objects is a sad old fart' or 'Children should be seen and not heard'. Then we have all the false arguments along the lines of 'Well, living next door to screaming children is better than living next door to heroin-injecting crazies'. It doesn't have to be either.


Neither is reasonable ; why can't there be consideration for others and opportunities for children to play loudly some of the time? With a bit of thought, it's not difficult to arrange.


What is it with the false dichotomies in this thread? Why not compare with living next to a families whose happy children show some consideration for other people by not screaming at the top of their lungs all day?


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I'm still not convinced that children that can scream all day actually exist.


Nobody is claiming that any one child could actually scream all day.


What was under discussion was the combined and cumulative effect on the neighbours of prolonged screaming by more than one child (in fact, groups of children) in the same garden/pool.

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Nobody is claiming that any one child could actually scream all day.


What was under discussion was the combined and cumulative effect on the neighbours of prolonged screaming by more than one child (in fact, groups of children) in the same garden/pool.


So, for a period of several hours then, when they are playing?

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