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Screaming Trampolining Children!

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Excuse me if this hasn't been said already, saw all the pages and just didn't fancy trawling them all. When i was younger (long time ago now) trampolines were only ever in schools or sports arenas, not in the garden, but what we did have was a paddling pool in which we splashed and played, and no doubtedly screamed, as did all my friends who had their own pools, and no doubtedly, so did thousands of other children. My point being, kids have always screamed and played, no matter what they play on or in. I have 3 children of my own and sometimes the screaming does get a bit loud, nothing that a quiet "keep it down girls" doesn't sort. Children are only young once and i would in no way want to suppress their growing up, they are doing that fast enough these days as it is and i would sooner know where they are and what they are doing, some parents don't give a monkeys these days as long as the kids aren't troubling them..

The bolded is the bit that the parents under debate are not doing. It is not unreasonable for a bit of screaming and high volumed joviality to occur, what is unreasonable is for it to occur all day long to the detriment of other people.

What is needed is a balance; a happy medium between shrieking at full volume and quieter enjoyment and tolerance for noise from those adversely affected in the knowledge it won't last long.



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Hours on end...


In some cases, yes. See #21 and 101.


---------- Post added 30-07-2014 at 15:44 ----------


Best to hear children screaming in pleasure, then screaming in pain.


Silly argument. Why does it have to be either?

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Hours on end...


Yes.......hours on end. Constantly, apparently?


I've had 6/7 kids round at mine for the past 2 days, swimming pool, super soaker, water bombs and E numbers. It's been loud, very loud at times, but not one child screamed constantly all day.

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Where on this thread has anyone ever said that one child screaming all day is the problem?


Sorry, what I meant to say was, none of the children managed to scream all day, not even as a collective group did they manage to scream all day.

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One neighbout has a little girl, and she can play happily in the garden for hours with just the odd happy burble and odd shout, which is great.


Another neighbour has a girl of a similar age. When she has a friend or two around, believe me, they can keep up an ear piercing row for hours each day. Contributed to by the mother constantly micro-managing them at elevated decibels.


I guess it says much about the respective parenting skills.

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One neighbout has a little girl, and she can play happily in the garden for hours with just the odd happy burble and odd shout, which is great.


Another neighbour has a girl of a similar age. When she has a friend or two around, believe me, they can keep up an ear piercing row for hours each day. Contributed to by the mother constantly micro-managing them at elevated decibels.


I guess it says much about the respective parenting skills.


Absolutely. Some children are definitely more inclined by nature to be screechy than others, but thoughtful parenting is the key to limiting it. They do say a quiet teacher makes for a quiet class, and the same goes for parents. Nobody would want kids to be quiet all the time - that would be ridiculous and probably unhealthy - but parents who shout a lot themselves are setting themselves up for a noisy and stressful few years.

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Absolutely. Some children are definitely more inclined by nature to be screechy than others, but thoughtful parenting is the key to limiting it. They do say a quiet teacher makes for a quiet class, and the same goes for parents. Nobody would want kids to be quiet all the time - that would be ridiculous and probably unhealthy - but parents who shout a lot themselves are setting themselves up for a noisy and stressful few years.



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