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Screaming Trampolining Children!

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I love the sound of children playing.......one of the nicest things I have heard in a long time was little girls playing the old game of ' farmers in his den'. I do however object to children knocking on my door every half hour because once again they have kicked their ball over into my garden.........I came back one day to find 3 balls on my garden because when they found I wasn't in they just fetched another ball.

As for screaming I was taught that you should only scream if you needed help but today it seems to be just an accepted part of play.

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I don't know what makes people think it's ok to impose their screaming kids and/or endlessly yapping dogs on other people. They are unbelievably thoughtless, selfish and arrogant IMO, but hey ho the world's full of 'em.

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Teenagers racing round and round the neighbourhood on motor bikes, people having sex loudly in the bedroom next door, neighbours smoking dope/swearing offensively/running generators/playing loud music/burning food on barbecues/burning tyres in the garden next to you are all 'people doing people things' but it does not mean those things are socially acceptable. 'Doing people things' as you so vaguely put it, is surely only OK if it doesn't restrict the reasonable freedom of others to enjoy their lives.


Obviously the people near me have a touch more class than those you refer to.

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Think yourself lucky you don't live next door to me. My many sexual partners scream like crazy in ecstatic rapture. All my neighbours know my name purely from hearing many grateful people scream it at the tops of their voices. In fact, you'd probably be tempted to join us.
Ah, I wondered why you keep a donkey in the yard


---------- Post added 25-07-2014 at 11:42 ----------


I cant think of anything worse than screaming brats . Its the same in a lot of Boozers these days , they let kids in and ruin it for adults. What happened to "Children should be seen but not heard " ? Thats how i was brought up.
that in itself is an incentive for change
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As discussed on Radio 2 the other day...


We are fortunate to have neighbours whose small children do not scream when they jump on their trampoline, but apparently it is a growing phenomenon in some residential areas.


I'm all for kids being outside in the fine weather and having a good time, but yet again selfishness prevails on the parents' part - why do they let their kids (plus their kids' friends who have come along to play) scream for hours on end when bouncing (it's not compulsory) and why don't they teach them young about being good neighbours?


I bet they would be the first to moan if the neighbours played their own choice of music very loudly, outside, all day long.


It struck me that the reason children's noise is more of a problem now than it used to be is not only that they are allowed to scream when playing, but that children used to play out (largely unsupervised) in the streets/in the local playground. Then (1980s?) we all became fearful of putting them at risk from paedophiles and traffic and most children are not allowed out by themselves nowadays.


Views welcome.


Perhaps you'd prefer it if their parents got them a trampolining app for their ipads and stuck them in their rooms to stare at a screen all day? :loopy:


Well done to the parents for getting their kids out in the fresh air, getting some exercise and having fun.


And is it really from dawn to dusk (which is currently about 5 am till 10pm) or are you exaggerating to make it sound worse than it really is?

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And is it really from dawn to dusk (which is currently about 5 am till 10pm) or are you exaggerating to make it sound worse than it really is?


Half an hour of annoying, repetitious racket being imposed on someone can seem like an age.

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Perhaps you'd prefer it if their parents got them a trampolining app for their ipads and stuck them in their rooms to stare at a screen all day? :loopy:


Well done to the parents for getting their kids out in the fresh air, getting some exercise and having fun.


And is it really from dawn to dusk (which is currently about 5 am till 10pm) or are you exaggerating to make it sound worse than it really is?


What about the screaming, thats the point of this thread, not what you have put above.

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Kids scream when they're having fun. Why shouldn't they just because some miserable old bat of a neighbour doesn't like it?


Well I get my fun by banging pans together for several hours at a time and blowing tunelessly but loudly into a trumpet. So let me know where you live and I'll bob round for half a day, have my fun, and you can prove that you're not 'some miserable old bat'

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