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Tram tracks - accident feedback to council

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All the scc need to do is stop access to roads with tram tracks to cyclist and divert cyclist on a different route with no tram tracks. if the route takes longer for them then thats there problem other motorist have to divert away from bus gates etc. And if its going to be safer for them then it would be a job well done :hihi:


...and likewise for cars, going on the posts just above

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I always love the "cyclists shouldn't have a problem with being diverted, other motorists have to do it".


Well guess what, Cyclists aren't motorists! We are human powered and a detour can be the difference between making it home or being too knackered.


Not all cyclists are perfectly healthy, some of us do it out of necessity.


Several reasons why I cycle:

1) The cost of buses is too high

2) I need the exercise

3) I get quite stressed waiting for the bus or arriving somewhere way too early because I was afraid the bus would be late

4) My feet sometimes hurt and cycling doesn't make it worse, walking can do


I do have an electric assist bike to compensate for my varying state of health on a given day (some days I would almost pass out coming home before I got it) and help get me back up the hills home. That makes it even more relevant that I avoid draining the battery too much until I am on my way home. I can't just stop off at the nearest petrol station to refill, I wish I could.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not always against detours, but some of the routes the SCC choose for cycling are insane - you literally end up travelling twice as far and it takes you away from where you were trying to get to.


If you are coming from the Hallamshire to Fargate, West Street is the most practical and generally safest route. Although next time I do it I will be sure to get into the middle of the lane first as I got myself stuck down the left side without enough space to move over, fortunately due to the road works it wasn't busy so I coasted past the tram stops carefully.


As others have said though, one of the biggest problems with the tram tracks is motorists behind you not allowing you enough room to safely cross them. I definitely think there may be some scope for making it easier to spot where the tram stops jut out into the road though.


The only times I have had problems with the tram tracks were once going down Park Grange Road in a hurry in the pouring rain. I had picked up too much speed and hadn't factored in how far the tram stop juts out so was trying to avoid crashing into it and wham, hit the track and bye bye bike.


The other time I was trying to turn right onto Gleadless Road from the lights. I was stressing about needing to pull off to the right to get to Sainburys as cars generally just immediately fly past you blocking access and if you try to wait for a gap to get into the middle of the lane you would be waiting forever, motorists just do not allow cyclists into the middle of the lane. I went round the corner, managed to get into the middle of the lane but got stuck in the second rail and had to stop completely to get out. I didn't hurt myself as I wasn't going fast but remember thinking I was lucky the cars behind weren't going as fast as they sometimes do. Perhaps worrying for nothing there as I was in the middle of the lane so "technically" nobody should have attempted to overtake me, but well you know some drivers.


Fortunately I needn't ever go down Park Grange Road any more as I changed GP and at town end I just use the crossing unless the traffic is REALLY light, its not worth the hassle.

Edited by AlexAtkin
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All the scc need to do is stop access to roads with tram tracks to cyclist and divert cyclist on a different route with no tram tracks. if the route takes longer for them then thats there problem other motorist have to divert away from bus gates etc. And if its going to be safer for them then it would be a job well done :hihi:


What a truly stupid idea.

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  • 8 months later...

CycleSheffield tram incident form


Have you come off your bike on the tram lines? You're not alone, it's one of the biggest dangers faced by cyclists in Sheffield.


The trouble is that many of these incidents are not reported. Accurate records of accidents are the starting point. Without these we can’t get things improved because we don’t know the scale of the problem, or the precise nature or location of incidents.


Now you can tell us and help to improve cycle safety in Sheffield.



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