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Why do West Street job centre staff have to treat people like dirt?

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Perhaps it is your attitude that is the problem. You are being given stuff for free, society is keeping you alive whilst you do not contribute to it financially. Instead of being grateful for the help, you refer to the job centre employee as "Mrs Cow", you should probably remember what side your bread is buttered on.


With regards to pre-filling forms, do you mean the job search/application bit? It looks very dodgy if you are putting down dates of job applications before you have actually applied. It makes it very much look like you have no intention of applying, that your intention was to mislead the centre staff next week by claiming you had applied on the stated dates.


This lady is nearly 60 and has no doubt been paying into the system through taxes on her wages, and purchases her whole life!


She is not "getting something for free", if you pay car insurance and then an uninsured driver crashes into you, wrecking your car. You go and claim on your insurance policy and they supply you with a hire car while they repair yours, are you getting that service and repair for free, or are you paying for it with your premiums?

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I thought the job centre at chapeltown was closed or did it just move?


since the old job centre site near the cricket ground has new houses on the plot now.


The Chapeltown Job Centre moved to First Point, behind the chemist at the side of the roundabout.



Perhaps it is your attitude that is the problem. You are being given stuff for free, society is keeping you alive whilst you do not contribute to it financially. Instead of being grateful for the help, you refer to the job centre employee as "Mrs Cow", you should probably remember what side your bread is buttered on.


With regards to pre-filling forms, do you mean the job search/application bit? It looks very dodgy if you are putting down dates of job applications before you have actually applied. It makes it very much look like you have no intention of applying, that your intention was to mislead the centre staff next week by claiming you had applied on the stated dates.


You are the perfect example of a troll. What do you about this person or their circumstances, NOTHING. You assume everything and know nothing :loopy:

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People shouldn't have to grovel or be subservient for someone to respect their rights. Many people who have the misfortune to claim benefits, either because they are paid too low to live on, or have lost their job, have paid into a contributory system. They are not there for the benefit of job centre staff. It's the other way round!


The lady I quoted wasn't asked to grovel according to the text. Just was warned not to prefill in forms.



This lady is nearly 60 and has no doubt been paying into the system through taxes on her wages, and purchases her whole life!


She is not "getting something for free", if you pay car insurance and then an uninsured driver crashes into you, wrecking your car. You go and claim on your insurance policy and they supply you with a hire car while they repair yours, are you getting that service and repair for free, or are you paying for it with your premiums?


What do you mean no doubt? What do you know about her employment history?


Paying taxes shouldn't mean you are entitled to mess the job centre about.


You are the perfect example of a troll. What do you about this person or their circumstances, NOTHING. You assume everything and know nothing :loopy:


I know what she has typed about and have only commented on what was included in the text. I made an inference/ assumption and asked for clarity on the accuracy on this.


I am not trolling, in fact your post is more worth of a troll. I have posted my opinion and explained why I feel like that. Just because the opinion is to the contrary of the other person, this does not make me a troll.

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i think you are all missing the point of the job centres these days it is not to help you find a job it is to sanction you bully you and get you off the benefit any which way they can this is the new goal for them so the tactic of humiliation rudeness and just plain mistreating and misleading you is becoming common practice which is encouraged by their superiors

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Because they think they're better than anyone who sets foot in the building.


I think you'll find that quite a lot of the staff there were signing on before starting work there, it happened to me. I got out after 5 years of hell.

It'd be great if some of the people whinging and whining on here about signing on and the staff were "invited" to work there.

Believe me you'd soon see why they are miserable and grumpy.

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Be interested to know how these job centres compare. What's Hillsborough like? or Chapeltown?


I was unfortunate to have to visit Hillsborough JC a few times about 4 years ago. There were hardly any seats provided or a recognisable queuing system. As a result people were leaning against walls, sitting on the floor and generally milling about unsure of where they should be. I found that aspect of it quite degrading.

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People shouldn't have to grovel or be subservient for someone to respect their rights. Many people who have the misfortune to claim benefits, either because they are paid too low to live on, or have lost their job, have paid into a contributory system. They are not there for the benefit of job centre staff. It's the other way round!



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You are allowed to record any conversations you have in job centre plus, the only rule is that you can not film, and even that's vague. After some of the horror stories people tell, it would be well worth recording any conversations. You also are not allowed to upload conversation to internet, not that it stops people

Edited by sheff1johnny
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