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Why do West Street job centre staff have to treat people like dirt?

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Perhaps it is your attitude that is the problem. You are being given stuff for free, society is keeping you alive whilst you do not contribute to it financially. Instead of being grateful for the help, you refer to the job centre employee as "Mrs Cow", you should probably remember what side your bread is buttered on.


With regards to pre-filling forms, do you mean the job search/application bit? It looks very dodgy if you are putting down dates of job applications before you have actually applied. It makes it very much look like you have no intention of applying, that your intention was to mislead the centre staff next week by claiming you had applied on the stated dates.



One does NOT get any help looking for jobs at the job-centre nowadays, they have even taken out all of the job search computers. So NO application forms to fill in. This a form one fills in daily to show what you did that day to look for work, I just put the dates down in the column that says date. It doesn't make the slightest difference and no one else has ever commented on it.

Yes! I call her Mrs Cow on here, you should hear what most of the people who have to go before her call her.

I am polite and I don't have what you call an attitude. I just get annoyed when someone wants to treat me as something they have brought in on their shoes.

They treat us this way so that we will react and then get sanctioned for it. This is me reacting without the sanction.


God help you and all the other smuggy's on here if you ever lose your jobs and have to sign on. You think all these people who work in these places are SOOOOO nice and friendly and really just want to help folk back to work. Well not those in this department they ain't. Most who go there are over 40s and get treated like they are in front of the Head teacher at school for some misdemeanor. Mrs Cow is just the worst offender in the room.


But hey ho! Never mind maybe a few more will get so depressed that they will also top themselves as thousands in this country have so far. That REALLY gets the numbers down.


As for being given stuff for free. I would rather have a job that enables me to survive (even a min wage one will do). But all one sees are Apprenticeships, self employed, 0hrs contracts or part time. Non suitable if you are single with no dependants, as no additional help is given. (No matter what lies they tell you that there is).


I worked in the "Social services" field for many years. This when we didn't need X amount of certificates to wipe some poor dears bum. Or see that youth offenders tried to get their lives on track, etc. Now I will take anything I can physically do. I even went and did a FLT driving course which I now have 2 licences for, but hense, no experience. So no chance.


Half the jobs I look at, I don't even know what the titles mean or how to go about getting the many certificates that one needs now to do the most jobs. And NO there is no one to tell or help you, I have asked several times and it is always someone else I should be asking.


Please don't judge a person you know nothing what so ever about.


---------- Post added 10-03-2015 at 08:13 ----------


I was unfortunate to have to visit Hillsborough JC a few times about 4 years ago. There were hardly any seats provided or a recognisable queuing system. As a result people were leaning against walls, sitting on the floor and generally milling about unsure of where they should be. I found that aspect of it quite degrading.



In this room, there are two seats and you are NOT allowed to queue until 4mins before your signing time. People just stand at the other side of the room or outside until able to queue.

I have even been shouted at for daring to try to sign before the 4min when there where three staff and no one in front of them and lots waiting behind me.We all had to stand and wait until the precise time. It was like something from a comedy sketch (without the humour).

Edited by liza D
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I think an attitude exists towards unemployed people that they are second class citizens , and it doesn't matter how shoddily they are treated it's okay, because they are unemployed. It's horrible, and with job insecurity being as high as it is, it could happen to anyone of us. So people shouldn't be smug about it.

There was a terrible example of a disabled woman who was made to wet herself in the job centre because the security guard refused to let her use the toilet.


Even officials in the DWP have stopped apologising for some of their colleagues behaviour.


Just read this eloquent piece in the Guardian re the CH4 dispatches programme. Truly awful.

Edited by Mister M
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I think an attitude exists towards unemployed people that they are second class citizens , and it doesn't matter how shoddily they are treated it's okay, because they are unemployed. It's horrible, and with job insecurity being as high as it is, it could happen to anyone of us. So people shouldn't be smug about it.

There was a terrible example of a disabled woman who was made to wet herself in the job centre because the security guard refused to let her use the toilet.


Even officials in the DWP have stopped apologising for some of their colleagues behaviour.


Just read this eloquent piece in the Guardian re the CH4 dispatches programme. Truly awful.


Its not just unemployed people, anyone who receives benefits of any kind except pensioners are looked down at. Disabled people have become fair game, and some staff in these positions forget that they are meant to help people. I think the mantra, is make it so bad for people, that they don't want to bother claiming. This is then meant to make claimant go out and get a job. There is some idiots what sign on, but there is also some idiots what work for them. Deep down most people signing on would want to work, but job centre staff should be helping claimants find out what jobs people would qualify for.

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I had to use the Job Centre at West St about 5 years ago. I found then very helpful, friendly and courteous and gave me a lot of tips and advice. I was polite to them and they responded accordingly. But having said that it was 9 o'clock in the morning, the scumbags were still in bed so hadn't had chance to upset them.

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I had to use the Job Centre at West St about 5 years ago. I found then very helpful, friendly and courteous and gave me a lot of tips and advice. I was polite to them and they responded accordingly. But having said that it was 9 o'clock in the morning, the scumbags were still in bed so hadn't had chance to upset them.



I never had any trouble with the staff at Bank Street, nor those at the front of West Street.

This group are for the "Work program" applicants and are situated at the back of the building.

They are not really supposed to be telling us anything as that is why we go to these job agency places and have advisers there. This crew have no people skills what so ever.


---------- Post added 21-03-2015 at 07:59 ----------


Myself and another person got our ears chewed off yesterday for, standing at the wrong side of the room.:roll: And yes it was by Mrs Cow. Tell me that isn't pathetic?

When I asked what difference it made she said that if we stood there they couldn't see who was coming in. (Doing so only obstructs her view of the room).

I saw another woman there who treated me like a human being. Made a refreshing change.


I really neeeeed a job.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Completely agree. Fortunately, in over 15 years I've only had to sign on briefly twice, last year and in 2009.

I had the same rotten experience from the city centre branch (2009) and the Dinnington one (2014), sounds like nothing has changed.


I was that angry at how I was treat last year I wrote an email to the Minister of Employment.

Rather than complain, I basically explained how life was in my position rarely out of work, just needing some support, but treat rubbish and the support very unproductive and not value for money.

I said everything in the most positive manner you can imagine, they're not going to react to an individual, so I suggested things they can do to improve.


About a month later I got a response, not from any high office, instead they forwarded my letter back to the Dinnington job centre, who then angrily denied all my suggestions of their poor and unproductive service (including how horrific their website is to use).


Not the response I wanted when there is a general election coming up soon. They've lost my vote put it that way. The patronising goons.


I feel for anyone having to use the service, it impacts your mental health (been there) so further strain on the NHS. If they get this right, or get rid might be easier then inspiring people instead of humiliating them, the experience could be a bit more barable.


In 2009, I was queuing like a herd of animals waiting to be called out, people who were late still took their place in front of me making me late, how fair is that? - Also one time back then I remember someone who (I assume) didn't speak English, walk up, get his book stamped and walk off without even a greeting. I walk up and get grilled to humiliation. Nothing against the guy in front at all, they should provide him with opportunities to develop in language and refer to places in his community he can build skills/employability etc. Double standards really, discrimination if you like.


I'll never forget that.


I now spend my time working with volunteers and use my experience to make sure they develop their skills and move on to better things. That is self driven, shame I'm not in charge of the Job Centre circuit, I'd do a much better job and it would be seen in a positive light.

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As someone who has worked their entire life, but now has a son who finds himself unemployed, am disgusted with the manner of a couple of the staff at the Bank street Job Centre. The fact that it is only a couple makes it worse, why should they be allowed to treat young people in this manner, all staff are trained and all staff should work in the same manner, there is absolutely no need to be condescending and superior. Have had my eyes opened and my views changed.

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As someone who has worked their entire life, but now has a son who finds himself unemployed, am disgusted with the manner of a couple of the staff at the Bank street Job Centre. The fact that it is only a couple makes it worse, why should they be allowed to treat young people in this manner, all staff are trained and all staff should work in the same manner, there is absolutely no need to be condescending and superior. Have had my eyes opened and my views changed.


This is why I despair of some of the people on here maryjane. Until people have had some personal experience of it, they have no idea what it's like. Yet they come on SF spouting off about scroungers, and how easy it is to get a job, and they seem to think it's perfectly OK to treat people as if they are scum and deserve no respect or consideration.


And all this comes from the top. There has been a concerted effort by this government to use its influence of the media to encourage ordinary people to despise and blame the unemployed for the failings of its policies.


At a time when the country should be pulling together, helping each other, and treating each other with kindness and compassion it has deliberately turned them against each other.


A clear case of divide and conquer.

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