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Why do West Street job centre staff have to treat people like dirt?

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Job centre jumps at any chance they can get of sanctioning people.


I was signing on and was on the work programme at A4e and A4e booked me to go on a 1 week maths course there (god knows why) but they ended up putting me on a training course with an agency so they said forget the 1 week maths course and go on this training cours which is what I did.


Anyway a month later I got a letter from the job centre saying they are giving me a 4 week sanction for failing to attend the maths course. I spent a further 4 weeks sending letters explaining the reason why I didn't attend it but they didn't believe me. In the end I made them contact my advisor at A4e and ask them to explain. My advisor at a4e said he would sort it out no problem but he was lying as 3 weeks went by and he had done nothing. Almosth 2 months later my job seekers was resumed.


I had finished the training course which promised a job with the this agency and my advisor would be setting up an induction date. 2 months had passed and I still hadn't heard a thing so i chased it up and I got the job my self.


Nearly a year on and I'm still in the job.


Job centre and A4e are absolutely useless.

Edited by PlayStation
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Play Station yours isn't the first story of this type I've heard about where the training provider hasn't given the jobcentre correct info as well as double booking folks for things. You shouldn't have been sanctioned in my view because A4e in this instance sent them the wrong info. They should have contacted A4e up front in my view.


I hope you got the money back!

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So assuming the person is just signing on, then what are you going to do when they refuse to do it in a private room? There is no excuse for either claimants or dwp staff to be rude.

If the claimant wants their benefit they have to meet the conditions as alid down by the DWP. If they wont then they will have to do without.


You can still ask to use a private room and record it. It's your right

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You can still ask to use a private room and record it. It's your right


Is this what you do?

Whats the point of getting a private room for signing on?

Whats the point of recording?


Seems totally pointless and is bound to take longer.


If someone is unduly rude, then you should make a complaint.

If someone is doing their job and just asking you questions as they are required to do, then the easiest and fastest way to resolve is go with the evidence they ask for so that you can answer their questions.

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Play Station yours isn't the first story of this type I've heard about where the training provider hasn't given the jobcentre correct info as well as double booking folks for things. You shouldn't have been sanctioned in my view because A4e in this instance sent them the wrong info. They should have contacted A4e up front in my view.


I hope you got the money back!


Yes eventually got the money backdated.


They had done it before aswel and i got sanctioned.


I explained to them i had never been sanctioned in all the time i had been signing on. I had always done things by the book and did everything they asked of me. One advisor at job centre once said to me whilst reading my job search booklet "i wish everyone who signed on was like you".

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it is public knowledge that the most vulnerable people are sanctioned and not told of any hardship payments they may be entitled to: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jul/22/benefit-sanctions-vulnerable-people-hardship-dwp-report

While Ian Duncan Smith, a man of few discernable qualifications, leads a lovely life: http://edinburgheye.wordpress.com/2013/03/16/iain-duncan-smith-the-quiet-man-with-so-much-to-be-quiet-about/

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it is public knowledge that the most vulnerable people are sanctioned and not told of any hardship payments they may be entitled to: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jul/22/benefit-sanctions-vulnerable-people-hardship-dwp-report

While Ian Duncan Smith, a man of few discernable qualifications, leads a lovely life: http://edinburgheye.wordpress.com/2013/03/16/iain-duncan-smith-the-quiet-man-with-so-much-to-be-quiet-about/


I was told i couldn't apply for hardship because i lived at home with my mum and dad.


So because of that do they expect my mum and dad to pay my travel costs and pay for my way of living?

Gets me mad. The amount of times i was in the hillsborough job centre and would often hear low lifes discussing how much weed they are going to buy when they get paid was just unreal.

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it is public knowledge that the most vulnerable people are sanctioned and not told of any hardship payments they may be entitled to: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jul/22/benefit-sanctions-vulnerable-people-hardship-dwp-report

While Ian Duncan Smith, a man of few discernable qualifications, leads a lovely life: http://edinburgheye.wordpress.com/2013/03/16/iain-duncan-smith-the-quiet-man-with-so-much-to-be-quiet-about/


There are no words to describe how horrible IDS is. The report is out there now so we can only hope that they act on it because sanctioning people for no valid reason is wrong. As the example above shows they do get it wrong and Oakley's report confirms that. Whilst they do have different IT systems, there is a marvellous device called the 'phone! It's not hard!

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I was told i couldn't apply for hardship because i lived at home with my mum and dad.


So because of that do they expect my mum and dad to pay my travel costs and pay for my way of living?

Gets me mad. The amount of times i was in the hillsborough job centre and would often hear low lifes discussing how much weed they are going to buy when they get paid was just unreal.


If you're living with Mum & Dad then you're being fed and watered.


What more could you want?

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