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Why do West Street job centre staff have to treat people like dirt?

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All jobcentres treat people like somthing they have stepped in.

I remember when you went in they would sit down with you and do a jobsearch for you and the staff were helpfull not now they are unhelpful and talk down and bully people

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From some of the things I have seen from the beer swilling, cigarette smoking dog owners (I work and cant afford those luxuries) I have seen in West street signing on maybe you could turn the question on its head and ask "where do people get off treating West Street job centre staff like dirt"

They have probably been abused over a period of time and it has become a two way street.


Just putting it out there.

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From some of the things I have seen from the beer swilling, cigarette smoking dog owners (I work and cant afford those luxuries) I have seen in West street signing on maybe you could turn the question on its head and ask "where do people get off treating West Street job centre staff like dirt"

They have probably been abused over a period of time and it has become a two way street.


Just putting it out there.


Who said west street job centre staff are treated like dirt? The security would just eject you and the DPW would shut anyones claim down. neither do I think they are allowed to smoke or take dogs into the building, so am dubious about your claims.

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Who said west street job centre staff are treated like dirt? The security would just eject you and the DPW would shut anyones claim down. neither do I think they are allowed to smoke or take dogs into the building, so am dubious about your claims.


Have you not seen them loitering outside with their dogs smoking (not the dogs) and peeing up the wall on Rockingham Street?

With regards abusing the staff I did say 'Maybe' and 'Probably'.

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Have you not seen them loitering outside with their dogs smoking (not the dogs) and peeing up the wall on Rockingham Street?

With regards abusing the staff I did say 'Maybe' and 'Probably'.


Not really. I imagine that a small % of claimants do abuse staff becayse the mentaliity of a small % of claimants is limited and by signing on it means they arent in exactly the best circumstances. Do staff abuse claimants? Not in a physical sense, but then they cna sacntion people and they are on targets to do so. Like any organisation some staff will be ok and others not so. Not exactly a well paid or cheery job. During this government claimants are asked more often to provide evidence they have been looking for work as they have agreed to do. If they provide that evidence then they should be allowed to sign as normal, but if they dont provide it then they can get sanctioned. They arent there to get people jobs, but they are there to check you are meeting the terms upon which your benefit is paid.

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setting people up to fail is ok with you then :roll:


Explain how they are being set up to fail.


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 20:49 ----------


Oh right, thanks for that. I suspect you'd think otherwise if you ever fell foul of it


Not really. Its called jobseekers allowance because they expect people to look for a job. Turning up at interviews or providing evidence you are looking seems perfectly reasonable.

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