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Why do West Street job centre staff have to treat people like dirt?

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Sanctioning people if they cant follow the rules is not treating them like dirt.


I take it you didn't bother to read the links Mecky posted.

I've repeated them here. A constant rolling total of nearly a million people on sanctions at any one time is not the same as 'bringing down unemployment.'


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 22:47 ----------


Mecky's posted several bits here which need to be read by everyone.

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All jobcentres treat people like somthing they have stepped in.

I remember when you went in they would sit down with you and do a jobsearch for you and the staff were helpfull not now they are unhelpful and talk down and bully people


No Craig they don't actually. The vast majority of people who work there don't behave like that even tho they have to put up with stuff most people shouldn;t have to put up with in their working life.Those who do behave like that should be reported.


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 23:26 ----------


it's all in a name. What are the connotations of "Jobseekers Allowance" as opposed to the previous "Unemployment Benefit"?


It's a different benefit. JSA replaced UB in 1996. UB was paid for a year based on contributions paid in the relevant tax year for the claim. If you hadn't you got Supplementary Benefit.


These days if you've paid enough stamps you get JSA© for 6 months and therefafter it's JSA(IS) which is means tested.


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 23:29 ----------


Not really. I imagine that a small % of claimants do abuse staff becayse the mentaliity of a small % of claimants is limited and by signing on it means they arent in exactly the best circumstances. Do staff abuse claimants? Not in a physical sense, but then they cna sacntion people and they are on targets to do so. Like any organisation some staff will be ok and others not so. Not exactly a well paid or cheery job. During this government claimants are asked more often to provide evidence they have been looking for work as they have agreed to do. If they provide that evidence then they should be allowed to sign as normal, but if they dont provide it then they can get sanctioned. They arent there to get people jobs, but they are there to check you are meeting the terms upon which your benefit is paid.


Sorry but they are there to help people get jobs as well as check entitlement - that's why adviser appointments are separated from signing on. However the onus of proof that you are actively seeking work falls on the person claiming. That has always been the case.


And can we please dispel this rumour. There are NO targets for sanctions. never have been.


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 23:31 ----------


Is it well paid ? No and it never will be. Cheery - yes it can be when you help someone find a job it feels great. What's not great is the behaviour of a minority who seem to think abuse and violence is the way to go.


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 23:37 ----------


I take it you didn't bother to read the links Mecky posted.

I've repeated them here. A constant rolling total of nearly a million people on sanctions at any one time is not the same as 'bringing down unemployment.'


---------- Post added 26-07-2014 at 22:47 ----------


Mecky's posted several bits here which need to be read by everyone.


And your point is Anna ? If you want to receive JSA then you have to show you are actively looking for a job . That's part of the entitlement conditions. That isn't new and is exactly the same as it was in the 70s when I started when it was UB and Supp ben. What is new is the level of proof you are expected to provide. If you are looking for a job then you keep all applications, replies (if you get one and I know a lot of folks don;t get them) etc and you have no problem. Anyone claiming JSA who isn't looking for a job shouldn't be claiming it to start with and if they're not looking for a job then can hardly complain if they're sanctioned for not looking. Available for work and actively seeking is part of the declaration you sign at the new claim stage and every fortnight thereafter. It's not new - been a legal requirement before 1977 when I started and still is.

Edited by annbaker
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I have had the same, but flipped...


My regular should be Bank Street, but because I see a DEA (Disability Employment Advisor) it's at West Street..


The odd time I have had to go to Bank Street, the staff have been rude, brash, short, and didn't seem like they really gave a damn about anyone (not even their fellow employees)

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I put to everyone who whinges on about the jobcentre.


If someone is rude to you - use the complaints process or even better on the day ask to see a manager and make your complaint in person.


Understand that the staff there have to put up with a lot of stuff you may not see when you happen to be there which isn't that great. Understand that they have to deliver what the Govt says - they get NO say in that at all. You may not like it and they most likely for the most part don't either. They are not there to sanction anyone by wrote, target or anything else but it;s a two way street. You don't do what you've signed up for, then you will get sanctioned


The staff can't change anything rules wise. The only way that gets changed is if you lobby MPs enough to get them to change the law. They make the laws, the civil service is there to carry them out like it or not. Moaning on here isn't going to get that changed with respect.


---------- Post added 27-07-2014 at 00:56 ----------


I have had the same, but flipped...


My regular should be Bank Street, but because I see a DEA (Disability Employment Advisor) it's at West Street..


The odd time I have had to go to Bank Street, the staff have been rude, brash, short, and didn't seem like they really gave a damn about anyone (not even their fellow employees)


Ghozer - then complain through the official channels if you have been not treated as you'd like to be. We all wear name badges so shouldn't be difficult to identify. All you have to do is write in via the complaints process detailing what happened in your particular case. It's not that difficult and can be done via email.

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Just to clear up any misunderstanding, I do fill in all my paper work and comply with all I'm told to do. (I would be too scared not to) .


The petty things they do for instance this dept won't let you even queue until 4mins before your sign on time, the room could be full of people waiting to sign and no one at the desks but they won't see you until you are spot on time. Yet if you are late your sanctioned (after being humiliated by the member of staff for all to hear) No I have never been sanctioned but have come damn close to it for answering back when I have felt that I have been spoken to like an imbecile by some jumped up little sod.


Also I have to date never seen anyone "kick off" in a job centre. Apart from the amount of security guards around, people are too frightened to even object to the treatment they now get from JC employees.


I did voice mine so maybe I won't be getting my thousands this week:roll: as some seem to think we do.


Courtesy and manners do not cost anything and are more effective in the long run than rudeness and bloody- mindedness .

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The bottom line here is that Job Centre staff, like other government departments, are supposed to be Civil Servants"! For years now they have generally been not civil and not "served" the public who pay their salaries.

It is quite common now among local councils, government quangos, police etc.

My daughter in law paid NI for thirty years before losing her job. They wouldn't pay her anything, not just for a period but for ever! Yes her husband was working but on a low wage.

Sorry but have no sympathy or time for the public sector after years of experience.


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I was told i couldn't apply for hardship because i lived at home with my mum and dad.


So because of that do they expect my mum and dad to pay my travel costs and pay for my way of living?

Gets me mad. The amount of times i was in the hillsborough job centre and would often hear low lifes discussing how much weed they are going to buy when they get paid was just unreal.


What travelling costs are you referring to it you're out of work?


Without knowing what your way of living is, somewhat difficult to comment.


You have your basic needs.You have a roof over your head.


If you need to improve your lifestyle then you'd better find a job, no matter how difficult that may be.


How do you expect us, the taxpayer, to fund your lifestyle?

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What travelling costs are you referring to it you're out of work?


Without knowing what your way of living is, somewhat difficult to comment.


You have your basic needs.You have a roof over your head.


If you need to improve your lifestyle then you'd better find a job, no matter how difficult that may be.


How do you expect us, the taxpayer, to fund your lifestyle?


You, the taxpayer, fund nothing. The benefit system exists to keep a portion of the population in full time work while keeping the less lucky appeased with breadcrumbs and beat down/humiliated so they don't do anything about it.

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You, the taxpayer, fund nothing. The benefit system exists to keep a portion of the population in full time work while keeping the less lucky appeased with breadcrumbs and beat down/humiliated so they don't do anything about it.


And where does the money for the benefits system come from?

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