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Why do West Street job centre staff have to treat people like dirt?

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My good lady had the experience of having to sign on. She hated doing it with a vengeance. In the end she contacted the DWP or whatever it's called and asked the question, "have I worked long enough to qualify for my pension" the reply was yes. So she told the Job Centre to get stuffed and she never went again.



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This thread is NOT about people Not doing as asked (demanded) by the JC staff.

It's about how SOME of the JC staff treat those they are PAID to help.


I would not speak to a dog the way some of these people speak to you.


I was never treated this way at Bank street nor when I've had to go into the West street side of the building for any reason.


These few give others a bad name and really shouldn't be working where they have to interact with the public if they can't keep their disdain to themselves.


And "complain through the right channels" :rolleyes: Get real.


Maybe put my phone on record each time I go in might be a better idea and see what the press think of it. I hear Youtube is the place for this stuff.

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Why do the staff at this job centre, (not all) those in the room at the back of the building, treat people like dirt.


I have been signing on for a year now, been on the courses got the licenses and certificates etc. But as soon as places hear my age they back off. (I'm nearly 60 ).


I'm now on this job-search program and I go to see someone in a private company (very nice lady), because of this I now have to sign on at West st. I previously did so at Bank st, I never had a problem there and all the staff there , that I dealt with are lovely.

Not so at West st, they are awful, they take great delight in belittling people and one woman in particular is hated by every one who has to go in there to sign.

These are the staff at the back of the building who deal with the job-search program people who sign on.

They have petty rules that they love to enforce to show a person up and whilst you're waiting you can hear them belittling whomever is in front of them. They are like a gang of school bullies seeing who can insult someone the worst.

They have posters all over the walls asking people to be courteous and respectful to the staff who work there, but they don't feel the need to be the same to those whom they deal with.

Most of , but not all, the people who have to go there are like me getting on in years and to be spoken to like we are naughty children is humiliating.


I can't see why the gov is wasting money to send us to these private company's to help us look for work when every thing they say is then countermanded by these power hungry individuals ?


Just because someone is out of work doesn't give others a license to treat them like scum.:mad:


The problem with job centres is they've got no real power any more. When I say power, I mean with regards to finding people work.


When I first signed on, back in the 90's, there was always 100's of jobs displayed on the job boards, the staff were proactive in looking for work for you. All this has changed now. All the talented job hunters and people that want to find you work, now work as Recruitment Consultants, and they're making an absolute fortune!! Some talented consultants are earning as much as doctors!


I don't really get the point of job centres any more. They certainly aren't there to find people work, more to issue sanctions for people who don't seem to want to work, or can't find work quick enough, and pay you your allowance.

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This thread is NOT about people Not doing as asked (demanded) by the JC staff.

It's about how SOME of the JC staff treat those they are PAID to help.


I would not speak to a dog the way some of these people speak to you.


I was never treated this way at Bank street nor when I've had to go into the West street side of the building for any reason.


These few give others a bad name and really shouldn't be working where they have to interact with the public if they can't keep their disdain to themselves.


And "complain through the right channels" :rolleyes: Get real.


Maybe put my phone on record each time I go in might be a better idea and see what the press think of it. I hear Youtube is the place for this stuff.



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I put to everyone who whinges on about the jobcentre.


If someone is rude to you - use the complaints process or even better on the day ask to see a manager and make your complaint in person.


Understand that the staff there have to put up with a lot of stuff you may not see when you happen to be there which isn't that great. Understand that they have to deliver what the Govt says - they get NO say in that at all. You may not like it and they most likely for the most part don't either. They are not there to sanction anyone by wrote, target or anything else but it;s a two way street. You don't do what you've signed up for, then you will get sanctioned


The staff can't change anything rules wise. The only way that gets changed is if you lobby MPs enough to get them to change the law. They make the laws, the civil service is there to carry them out like it or not. Moaning on here isn't going to get that changed with respect.


---------- Post added 27-07-2014 at 00:56 ----------



Ghozer - then complain through the official channels if you have been not treated as you'd like to be. We all wear name badges so shouldn't be difficult to identify. All you have to do is write in via the complaints process detailing what happened in your particular case. It's not that difficult and can be done via email.



I did, and I got made to feel like the bad guy, I was told a load of **** about how they are under great stress from clients, etc... and that I should just "put up with it" were their words....


it's still no excuse, that's called labeling everyone with the same sticker...

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I did, and I got made to feel like the bad guy, I was told a load of **** about how they are under great stress from clients, etc... and that I should just "put up with it" were their words....


it's still no excuse, that's called labeling everyone with the same sticker...


They under a lot of stress and there is no denying that. I think a daily risk of assault is a valid reason for being concerned and it does happen regularly. They are made, with no say, to ask folks to do stuff they really don't want to ask and those being asked certainly don't want to be asked to start with.


However unless people make a complaint then not a lot is going to change. A perception that they label everyone the same without valid evidence is not tho a valid complaint. If someone personally isn't treated properly then it should be reported.


Getting the rules changed however is a matter for MPs not the Jobcentre :|

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THIS guy was chucked out of the job centre because he wouldn't remove his flat cap. A bit excessive in my opinion.


Too right it is and I hope he complained! To note the security guards are not DWP employees BUT it doesn't give them the right to be heavy handed, tho you don't get to see what kicked off that caused the guy to be removed. And they are wearing name tags around their necks so not sure why they'd not give their names when they're visibily on show.

Edited by annbaker
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