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SCUBA Weight Jacket

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I haven't been doing many dives of late but went out on Thursday. Arrived at the dive centre to realise I'd left my weight belt behind. The centre gave me a 5lb weight jacket which is worn under the BCD.

Can't say I was comfortable with this at all. The idea of a weight belt is that it is quick release in time of difficulty. In addition I had to put a couple of weights in the pockets of the BCD. Obviously my buddy knew this.

I'm an experienced PADI Rescue Diver with many dives but could do with some feedback about this.

The weight jacket may well have been out for a long, long time but its the first time I've ever used one.

I was knackered after that dive! Lifting the equipment onto the boat with weights in the pockets and me getting on the boat heavier than normal was not good!

For those divers interested it was off the Penyon at Calpe, Spain. Diddly squat down there!

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