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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Read my lipsA proportional response would have killed more people, careful targeting of terrorist weapons stores, terrorist tunnels, terrorist launch sites, terrorists and their leaders as resulted in fewer civilian casualties than one would expect from such a conflict.


You clearly don't understand the meaning of 'proportionate'.

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Are you trying to deny the fact that every Islamic country in that region wouldnt 'wipe Israel off the face of the earth' then ?


This is Islam's idylic vision of the middle east.





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Perhaps Hamas should stop firing rockets at Israel then.




The limitations of your mental capacity just can't get beyond "well they should stop firing rockets then" as though this juvenile rhetoric will somehow cease the conflict...it won't. You really have to engage and address the why's. Unless some brave Israeli politician with vision steps forward and is prepared to engage directly there won't be an "Israel".


The Zionists like you have no vision hence the the State of Israel is under greater threat from within. It's losing support, but more widely (and more importantly) it's losing support from the US It won't be instant but it is creeping.


With ""well they should stop firing rockets then" isn't visionary, in fact it's the exact opposite. That's the main reason why this debate won't go anywhere.


Here's one. Gaza stops firing rockets. Now what?

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You clearly don't understand the meaning of 'proportionate'.


A proportionate response would be what it takes to stop the rockets. But you clearly don't understand that.


---------- Post added 10-08-2014 at 13:37 ----------




Here's one. Gaza stops firing rockets. Now what?


Israel stops firing back.

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This is Islam's idylic vision of the middle east.



With respect, the uncomfortable truth is that Zbigniew Brezinskie ( who obama calls his mentor now) of the CIA trained, recruited and helped fund Alqaida and Taliban to the tune of $80 million. They continue to do so. Isis is the newer version.

Isis leader Abdullah Al Baghdadi was in US custody until they released him in 2009. What do you think he was doing with them? We cannot have a war until a 'threat' or 'fear' exists, if it does not according to the Hegelian Dialect it must be 'created'. Logic would suggest that anyone defending muslims or islam wouldn't be massacring there own people ie muslims? Or come to the defense of Hammas? Isis was the caretaker while the Us supposedly left? And now they're back again, there is also a multi billion dollar private security corporation in the US called Isis who have been deployed in the Middle East for years. Instead of scaremongering us and legitimising illegal wars spending millions, maybe the government could and should respond by not cutting back the public spending and imposing restrictions on hard working Britains.

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perhaps Isreal should stop: illlegal occupation ad keeping people in GHETTOS, depriving them of their land, depriving them of their agricultural land/fishing rights to gove them to illegal setters, depriving of access to water, electric, foods , medicines, hospital treatments, education ... oh wait: basically depriving them of human rights



Perhaps Hamas should stop firing rockets at Israel then. The biggest impact on the people of Gaza is the rockets that Hamas fire at Israel. Many fall on Gaza and kill local inhabitants. Others explode during manufacture and storage and kill people in Gaza, and of course people are killed when Israel attacks the terrorists firing them from built up areas.


New Yorks hospitals weren't stretched beyond capacity after 9/11. That didn't stop 3000 people being murdered by Islamic terrorists and a couple of thousand having died as a result since.

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perhaps Isreal should stop: illlegal occupation ad keeping people in GHETTOS, depriving them of their land, depriving them of their agricultural land/fishing rights to gove them to illegal setters, depriving of access to water, electric, foods , medicines, hospital treatments, education ... oh wait: basically depriving them of human rights


Well once Hamas stops firing rockets we can discuss this......good idea?

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