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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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The UN says estimates around 74% of the Palestinian dead are civilians, including 243 children and 131 women, that would mean the majority of those killed are men, 826 of them, how does the UN know that they are civilians and not fighters, I can't see Hamas fighters leaving guns and ammunition with dead combatants and once removed they will look like a civilian.

Ok flip that around, how does Israel know that they are fighters ?

How do they know the kids were involved in anything ?


There are posts on this topic claiming the kids were building tunnels, how is that known ?

Israelis don't even know where the tunnels are so isn't it a little strange that they claim to know the children helped build them ?

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Perhaps it is you that needs their head examining. The death toll is due to repeated rocket attacks on Israel and the response it provokes. Israel is used to being under constant attack and provides air raid shelters and deploys missiles to shoot down the rockets aimed at their civilians.


So let's ask again. If you were in charge in Israel what would you be doing in response to the rocket attacks. Would you for instance lock the air raid shelters and stop shooting down Hamas's rockets so that the death toll was more equitable and to your liking?


I'd stop the killing and start talking.

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I'd stop the killing and start talking.


Not really an answer is it. Hamas don't want to start talking. They want the complete destruction of Israel. So the rockets will keep coming.


So once again we will ask you.... You are in charge in Israel and rockets are being fired at your civilian population and bombs placed on your buses. What are you going to do to stop that?


You are starting to come across as all bluster with no answers whatso ever.

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Not really an answer is it. Hamas don't want to start talking. They want the complete destruction of Israel. So the rockets will keep coming.


So once again we will ask you.... You are in charge in Israel and rockets are being fired at your civilian population and bombs placed on your buses. What are you going to do to stop that?


You are starting to come across as all bluster with no answers whatso ever.


Start talking.

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Your guess is wrong.




Their guess is right, the UN figures are a joke and not even the least bit credible.

Besides, from cradle to grave the males are taught all about the facts of life and the intricacies of the AK 47. The innocent children being killed in gaza are already well on their way to being radicalised against the west and israel and will most likely pisk up a gun in the not too distant future anyway. Im not saying its good that people are dying but in the long run maybe its needed. A good clear out as it were. Start from afresh and perhaps there will be more chance of peace in the long run.

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Their guess is right, the UN figures are a joke and not even the least bit credible.


Why? Because you say so? Are the IDF's figures a joke too?



Besides, from cradle to grave the males are taught all about the facts of life and the intricacies of the AK 47. The innocent children being killed in gaza are already well on their way to being radicalised against the west and israel and will most likely pisk up a gun in the not too distant future anyway.


Really. Evidence for this nonsense?


Im not saying its good that people are dying but in the long run maybe its needed. A good clear out as it were. Start from afresh and perhaps there will be more chance of peace in the long run.


Are you really advocating genocide there?

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