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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Isis are already operating in Gaza, and they were there before Israel launched their defensive strike.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 06:52 ----------



Because militarily it is a sensible thing to do, it reduced the operational effectiveness of your enemy.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 07:00 ----------



It is outrageous that Hamas use schools to launch attacks on Israel, use schools to hide rockets, use schools to hide fighters, its outrageous that they are allowing their people to die in a futile attempt to kill Israeli civilians. Does my condemnation and outrage of the people responsible for the death of every civilian in Gaza cool your blood at all.


OTTAWA—Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Hamas is solely responsible for the death and destruction in Gaza following almost a month of fighting between Israel and Hamas militants.


“Obviously no one likes to see the suffering and loss of life that has occurred,” Harper told reporters in Air Ronge.


“That said, we hold the terrorist organization Hamas responsible for this. They have initiated and continue this conflict and continue to seek the destruction of the state of Israel.”


Harper, meantime, suggested Israel has been justified in its actions throughout the conflict, saying that if a terrorist organization were attacking Canadians, there would be a similar response from Canada.





Hamas Bears Total Responsibility for Every Dead Palestinian Child



The moral and legal responsibility for all children who perish in the latest conflict in Gaza falls squarely and solely on Hamas. by David French


There are few things more horrible than seeing innocents die a violent death. Yet that’s exactly what a hotel full of foreign journalists witnessed on July 16, when Israeli shells apparently killed four Palestinian kids playing on a Gaza beach.


The images will stay with a person forever, and it’s quite natural to react with rage and anguish.


But let’s make sure that rage is properly directed. While Israeli shells may have killed those kids (and others), Hamas bears the moral and legal responsibility for their deaths, not Israel.


Israel were told 17 times that there were innocent women and children in that school. It was a UN 'Safe Haven'. Even the Israeli prime minister has condemned the attack.

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Israel were told 17 times that there were innocent women and children in that school. It was a UN 'Safe Haven'. Even the Israeli prime minister has condemned the attack.


Yeah were there baddies in the school too?

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Israel were told 17 times that there were innocent women and children in that school. It was a UN 'Safe Haven'. Even the Israeli prime minister has condemned the attack.


His condemnation doesn't claim that the attack was a deliberate IDF attack, its under investigation and IDF say they were fired on from that position.


Binyamin Netanyahu, condemned the school shelling but did not specifically blame Israel.

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Just like the Israelis and the Palestinians you have all fallen into the blame game.


If people from 1,000's of miles away can't see that the end of the fighting is more important than who did what to whom, then the Israelis and the Palestinians in the thick of it have no chance.

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Just like the Israelis and the Palestinians you have all fallen into the blame game.


If people from 1,000's of miles away can't see that the end of the fighting is more important than who did what to whom, then the Israelis and the Palestinians in the thick of it have no chance.


Its not a game, its realty, whilst everyone would like to see the two side live in peace, the realty is that they can't.

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Do you see all Muslims as scum or just Isis?

Are the innocent civilians getting killed in gaza scum in your eyes as you do say more Muslim scum to the meat grinder in your post?


Do you see all Muslims as innocent victims? When/IF Islam learns to co-exist with people who don't beieve in the same ludicrous claptrap as them then I might start to respect them. But I see you immediately take sides with any bunch of Islamic idiots just because they signed up to the same god as you.

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