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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Are you suggesting the possibility that there were justifies the use of lethal force against children who you know are inside the building?


No I'm suggesting they were used as shields for villains for propaganda purposes, why?

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I'm sure it wasn't about whose to blame. More to do with children getting blown up. It has to stop.


So to bring it back onto that theme, its sad that children have been brought into this endless conflict, sad that they are being killed and sad that they will one grow up to be the next generation to perpetuate the conflict, and then their children and their children's children will be killed or grow up to perpetuate the conflict in a never ending cycle of death and destruction, and all because both groups see that little piece of land as something worth fighting and dieing for.

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The lack of outrage shown by some on here about this makes my blood boil.

How the hell can the world leaders including the big, mighty and always right USA just stand back and not condem Israel for bombing sleeping children in a UN school that the Israelis were made aware of by the UN?


Firstly America dosent give a toss about palestine. Remember that.

Secondly hamas are a terrorist group so why should they help?

Thirdly Hamas needs to stop firing rockets into Israel then perhaps more people will take notice of what they have to say. Until then its simply a ******* contest. Hamas will lose it though no matter what you think or want to happen. There will come a time when they run out of children to use as a human shield and eventually their supply of women will be gone so they will have to find someone elses skirt to hide behind.

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I think the point of this thread has been missed completely


I think the point of this thread has been missed intentionally.


Israel were told 17 times that there were innocent women and children in that school. It was a UN 'Safe Haven'. Even the Israeli prime minister has condemned the attack.


That being the case then those that shelled the school are child murderers. Who would disagree?


Curoius definition, but still, do you feel better after your little rant?


Always better for outing a cross bearer.

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Why doesn't Egypt open the gates on their side and let the Gazan civilians through to relative safety? Leave Hamas to fight it out with Israel.


Surely the plus points they'd gain from the court of ill informed public opinion would be worth the trouble of looking after 1 million or so refugees until the situation gets sorted out? And the humanitarian charities would pay for their upkeep whilst they're there.



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Perhaps if Hamas spent half as much time digging air raid shelters as it spends digging tunnels so the terrorists could blow up civilians in Israel the people of Gaza would be safe from the bombs. The people of Israel are pretty safe from the rockets because they have built air raid shelters. Why is this?

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