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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Plenty of people also believe that what Israel is doing is immoral. IDF's are murdering innocent civilians and it must stop. Israel is becoming a pariah state much in the same way that you're becoming to be seen as a pariah poster on here.


Actually I see the Arab world becoming a series of partah states and a sanctuary for terrorism. Just because someone sees things differently from you doesn't make them wrong. It probably indicates that they open their eyes.

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Clearly an other over exaggeration, Its estimated that 17,000 tonnes of bombs that were dropped on London in WWII but nowhere near that amount has been dropped on Gaza.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 15:01 ----------



No it isn't morally wrong to bomb Gaza in an attempt to take out Hamas and plenty of people agree that what Israel are doing is the right thing to do.


If and when the blockade is lifted more people will die, because Hamas will use that opportunity to bring in bigger and better weapons.




You think it is moral to bomb innocent men, women and children- even those who are playing on a beach and targeted deliberately?!


As for the blockade- do you even know about the history of this land?


It is about giving access to basic needs and allowing freedom.


These people aren’t rocket shooters or combatants. For the past several years they have lived in dreadful isolation. The status quo for ordinary Gazans is a continuation of no jobs and no freedom. This is not an attractive future. Gazans want and deserve the dignity of economic opportunity and freedom to move. This can be accomplished only with an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip, which must be considered within the framework of a cease-fire.




I dread to think you are happy to see innocent lives lost so long they are Muslim.

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Actually I see the Arab world becoming a series of partah states and a sanctuary for terrorism. Just because someone sees things differently from you doesn't make them wrong. It probably indicates that they open their eyes.


Can you give me any historical, social, cultural or political reasons why that might be the case?

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Clearly an other over exaggeration, Its estimated that 17,000 tonnes of bombs that were dropped on London in WWII but nowhere near that amount has been dropped on Gaza.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 15:01 ----------



No it isn't morally wrong to bomb Gaza in an attempt to take out Hamas and plenty of people agree that what Israel are doing is the right thing to do.


If and when the blockade is lifted more people will die, because Hamas will use that opportunity to bring in bigger and better weapons.


It does seem to have escaped many folks notice that the blockade of Gaza is being carried out jointly by Israel & Egypt. Clearly Egypt doesn't share the view that opening up the borders to Gaza is a great idea. They are rather closer to the front line than we are and have enough Islamic extemists without letting them flood across the borders as well as using it as a supply route for terrorist weapons.

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Plenty of people also believe that what Israel is doing is immoral.
Yes but not everyone as was suggested by Mr Fisk.


IDF's are murdering innocent civilians and it must stop.
Its not murder.



Israel is becoming a pariah state much in the same way that you're becoming to be seen as a pariah poster on here.


No they are not, plenty of countries support their stance on Gaza, including Egypt.

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just read this artivle on the beebs site on tunnels




seems that hamas use the tunnels to hide from air attacks, now you would think that if they were THAT bothered about civilian casualties they would let the civilians hide down there as well wouldnt you. But they dont. Says alot that doesnt it?


They would love that, then Israeli's could seal them all in and make the genocide easier to do.


We can see how it works with the leaflets telling them all to leave home to a point of safety and them bombing them all when there's enough to mark up a good kill count.

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Do you see all Muslims as innocent victims? When/IF Islam learns to co-exist with people who don't beieve in the same ludicrous claptrap as them then I might start to respect them. But I see you immediately take sides with any bunch of Islamic idiots just because they signed up to the same god as you.


Answer the question I put to you instead of skirting around the issue and where have I took sides with the Islamic idiots?

I have no respect for people with your kind of attitude either, tolerance works both ways.

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You think it is moral to bomb innocent men, women and children- even those who are playing on a beach and targeted deliberately?!

Gaza isn't innocent, they are firing rockets into Israel.




As for the blockade- do you even know about the history of this land?




It is about giving access to basic needs and allowing freedom.
They get more than their basic needs met.



Nothing about it makes me happy, but firing rockets into Israel makes it inevitable, the people of Gaza could stop this now by ousting Hamas.

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