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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Gaza isn't innocent, they are firing rockets into Israel.


The inhabitants and non combatants of Gaza are innocent- who live daily in fear and have no freedom or dignity- is that how people should live? Would you live like that- I doubt it.






They get more than their basic needs met.


Really? When did you last visit there to see for yourself..




Nothing about it makes me happy, but firing rockets into Israel makes it inevitable, the people of Gaza could stop this now by ousting Hamas.


Judging by your comments on this thread, I highly doubt that statement.


But I will end here- no point as I don't think you really want to listen or see the other side (from Gazans who are just citizens) being shelled discriminately.


I hope you haven't breeded any kids on this earth who may end up thinking like you..

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You are off cause entitled to your opinion, but unless you can explain how the two acts of self defense are different, my opinion will stay the same.


So you're comparing The Blitz to what Israel is going through at this moment in time?

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The USA has the blood of these children on its hands as it is the one supplying the weapons and according to this article is now supplying the terrorist Israeli govt with more ammunition= http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/11002096/Gaza-conflict-Israel-calls-up-16000-more-reservists-as-US-supplies-army-with-ammunition.html


So who is it that is supplying the rockets to Hamas? Did you forget to look that one up?

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The inhabitants and non combatants of Gaza are innocent- who live daily in fear and have no freedom or dignity- is that how people should live? Would you live like that- I doubt it.
No I wouldn't want rockets raining down on me, so I would expect my government to do what ever is necessary to stop them, that unfortunately means bombing Gaza. I have read what you have typed and I disagree with most of it.
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Who's supplying the IDF with arms that are being used to kill innocent civilians?


You answer my question first and I'll have a go.


So who is it that is supplying the rockets to Hamas? Did you forget to look that one up?

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So then, you've all had plenty of time to assemble something ... why isn't Egypt opening the blockade on their side even if it's only to let their non-combatant sisters and brothers in Islam through to relative safety? It seems rather than relaxing their border, they've actually tightened it?


Why is everyone avoiding the issue?

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So who is it that is supplying the rockets to Hamas? Did you forget to look that one up?


They are home made or did you think they were highly sophisticated ones supplied by another country? :rolleyes:

Israel is supplied by the USA= http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/11002096/Gaza-conflict-Israel-calls-up-16000-more-reservists-as-US-supplies-army-with-ammunition.html

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No I wouldn't want rockets raining down on me, so I would expect my government to do what ever is necessary to stop them, that unfortunately means bombing Gaza. I have read what you have typed and I disagree with most of it.


Exactly right. If someone was raining rockets down on us we would expect our government to flatten them.


I think a comparison can be made with Germany who elected the Nazi party to run the country in 1933. Does anyone think we were wrong to bomb the living daylights out of them in response to their bombing of London, and SHEFFIELD.


Be careful of the government you elect. The people of Gaza elected Hamas, a known terrorist organisation, in 2006. Perhaps that wasn't wise.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 17:39 ----------


Why do you always have to be so sanctimonious?


Perhaps because I'm dealing with a sanctimonius prat.

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