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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Its not for lack of trying to kill Israeli civilians. If someone was firing rockets at us for 14 years how many deaths would you think acceptable before you thought of doing something about it?


We are not occupying a country and stealing their land are we though? :rolleyes:

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Its not for lack of trying to kill Israeli civilians. If someone was firing rockets at us for 14 years how many deaths would you think acceptable before you thought of doing something about it?


1. But the something that I wanted would not include the slaughter of hundreds of civilians.

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What country is being occupied?


Are you saying that Israel should be 'wiped off the map'?


My bold=

Where the hell have I ever said or insinuated that Israel should be wiped off the map?

Under international law Israel is an occupying force, maybe you should educate yourself about what you are supporting= http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/amnesty-international-israel-remains-occupying-power-gaza-thus-bound-law-occupation.html


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I'd like to hope I'd be like the guy in the video someone posted earlier (which I'm sure you didn't watch).


The guy in it is a 3rd generation Jewish Israeli who has personally witnessed a Hamas rocket injuring children at a playground and who also had his niece killed by a palestinian suicide bomber.


He doesn't want his army to go in and slaughter Palestinians in revenge.


Then its a good job that they aren't. Would you want someone to stop the rockets on your behalf and would just just wait until one fell on your head.




Also, what we had that Israel didn't, is about 800 times as many casualties. And we weren't just defending ourselves either, we were helping to liberate Europe.


And in any case, I'd question the morality of some of bomber commands actions in World War 2 anyway so even if I agreed that what the Nazis did during the blitz was analogous to Hamas rocketing Israel (which is ridiculous) it still wouldn't give Israel a pass.


Then we shall have to agree to disagree, I would do what ever was necessary to stop rockets raining down on the people I care about, thankfully our government had the balls to do what was necessary when Germany sent rockets over here.

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Amnesty International has called on the United States to “immediately end its ongoing deliveries of large quantities of arms to Israel.”

“It is deeply cynical for the White House to condemn the deaths and injuries of Palestinians, including children, and humanitarian workers, when it knows full well that the Israeli military responsible for such attacks are armed to the teeth with weapons and equipment bankrolled by US taxpayers,” said Brian Wood, head of arms control at AI.





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Where have I said I support Hamas firing rockets?

I support a two state solution to the Israel/Palestinian issue so stop putting out wrong information.

My post history is there for all to see and check.


I also support a two state solution and I too would like you to stop putting out wrong information.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 21:47 ----------


We are not occupying a country and stealing their land are we though? :rolleyes:


See there you go again supporting them and making up excuses for their violence.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 21:48 ----------


1. But the something that I wanted would not include the slaughter of hundreds of civilians.


No one ever does apart from Hamas, but that is the realty of war.

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Amnesty international is full of leftist idiots. I repeat, idiots. It beggars belief that they support repressive countries like Palestine, where any dissenters against Hamas are murdered. There are plenty of Israelis who are opposed to their governments actions. They are allowed to be as it is a free country, the only one in the Middle-East. So why on earth do Amnesty, an organisation supposedly in favour of human rights, come out against them? There's only one reason and that is anti-semitism. The left falls over itself to appease Islam time and time again.

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My bold=

Where the hell have I ever said or insinuated that Israel should be wiped off the map?

Under international law Israel is an occupying force, maybe you should educate yourself about what you are supporting= http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/amnesty-international-israel-remains-occupying-power-gaza-thus-bound-law-occupation.html



Israel maintains sole control of Gaza’s air space and territorial waters, and continues to prohibit any movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza via air or sea. Israel directly controls all but one of Gaza’s land border crossings, and continues to close three out of the four crossings for commercial goods, restrict the volume of key imports, and ban most exports, all of which have a serious impact on humanitarian and socioeconomic conditions in Gaza. Israel continues to control the Palestinian population registry, which covers residents of both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, so any change in these records and all Palestinian Authority identity documents (including ID cards and passports) require Israeli approval. An Israeli-approved ID card or passport is required for any Palestinian to leave Gaza, including through the Rafah crossing. And the Gaza Strip continues to depend on Israel for the majority of its electricity supply.




Which is clearly a very sensible policy given the fact that the controlling forces in Gaza want nothing more than the total annihilation of ISRAEL.

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Amnesty international is full of leftist idiots. I repeat, idiots. It beggars belief that they support repressive countries like Palestine, where any dissenters against Hamas are murdered. There are plenty of Israelis who are opposed to their governments actions. They are allowed to be as it is a free country, the only one in the Middle-East. So why on earth do Amnesty, an organisation supposedly in favour of human rights, come out against them? There's only one reason and that is anti-semitism. The left falls over itself to appease Islam time and time again.


Indeed...a bit like this lot :)



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