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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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I wonder if Mafya thinks Arab Israelis, even Muslim ones, would want to see Hamas to take over Israel and govern it as an Islamic caliphate?


I bet he probably does. Which only goes to show how little he knows about the Israel-Palestine issue.


Stop assuming things because you are just making an ass of yourself.

I don't think what you have pirated by the way.


---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 11:45 ----------


So which is wrong? hamas randomly lobbing rockets around or isreal shooting them down?


---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 08:12 ----------



It could be implied that because you have not condemned the use of rockets whilst maintaining hamas "right" to attack isreal you are supporting whatever methods hamas uses and that includes rockets.


---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 08:26 ----------



So who was this very small protest aimed at? After all they are facing AWAY from parliament!!


---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 08:27 ----------



It seems that in this case 99.986 % of the public dont give a damn.


Statistics is a bitch!!


I did say two wrongs don't make a right meaning both israel and Hamas are wrong. :loopy:


---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 11:46 ----------


Of course he does, even if he won't admit it. The same goes for his views on the UK.


What a load of cods wallop, you couldn't be more wrong.

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Initially the world didn't give a toss for atrocities carried out by South African and US Apartheid. The Zionists will go the same way eventually. Eradicate Hamas overnight and Israel will still hate Palestinians and keep them imprisoned as vermin, usually referred to as exterminate.


Slightly melodramatic.


Israel defence forces are for defence only (the clue is in the name) and respond when attacked, unlike our forces who go off invading the likes of Iraq, Israel has never attacked any other nation that hasn't attacked it first or wasn't imminently about to do so.


If the aim was extermination, for a start they've had years to do it but haven't, secondly they've failed miserably since the population of Gaza has multiplied and multiplied (far faster than any of it's neighbours).


From the day of Israel declaring independence, they have built a nation from scratch and aimed for a nation that is at the forefront of science and technology, art and culture, medicine, welcomes tourists etc, all the ingredients needed for a successful country. These are not opportunities that were not or never were open to the Palestinians. They too could have aimed for a better country for themsleves, decided to build a successful economy even just on exporting produce, but instead the the history of the Palestinians has been dictated by their will to destroy Israel :(

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Well, THAT didnt last long did it? Good old hamas, you can rely on them to get the killing started again as soon as possible


To be honest when it first broke I heard it said that Israel had broken the true but had warned hamas they were going to resume hostilities. That's ok with me, it's not exactly the same as just firing rockets at people without warning. As things were clarified in later reports, it seems hamas broke the ceasefire again.


---------- Post added 01-08-2014 at 12:32 ----------


Really, why?


Because of the history in the violence between Israel and hamas

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Slightly melodramatic.


Israel defence forces are for defence only (the clue is in the name) and respond when attacked, unlike our forces who go off invading the likes of Iraq, Israel has never attacked any other nation that hasn't attacked it first or wasn't imminently about to do so.


If the aim was extermination, for a start they've had years to do it but haven't, secondly they've failed miserably since the population of Gaza has multiplied and multiplied (far faster than any of it's neighbours).


From the day of Israel declaring independence, they have built a nation from scratch and aimed for a nation that is at the forefront of science and technology, art and culture, medicine, welcomes tourists etc, all the ingredients needed for a successful country. These are not opportunities that were not or never were open to the Palestinians. They too could have aimed for a better country for themsleves, decided to build a successful economy even just on exporting produce, but instead the the history of the Palestinians has been dictated by their will to destroy Israel :(


Don't you think that the Balfour Declaration and the subsequent years up to and including the creation of the state of Israel might have some bearing on the current tensions?

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These are not opportunities that were not or never were open to the Palestinians. They too could have aimed for a better country for themsleves, decided to build a successful economy even just on exporting produce, but instead the the history of the Palestinians has been dictated by their will to destroy Israel :(


I can either accept the

who has suffered at the hands of Palastinian terrorists, or the feeble rantings of the likes of intaketoo.



I think I would find Israel's claims rather more credible than those of Hamas.


I believe they're are probably as bad as one another, and each are as capable of deceit and deception. I have no regard for Hamas (religious nutters) but I equally have no regard for Zionists (religious nutters)


Zionism: supports Jews upholding their Jewish identity, "opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies"


Does the bold ring a bell? Quite ironic when you think about it.

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Really, why?


Because Israel is a civilized country. It is a respected member of the UN. It is a proper secular democracy that respects the rights of all faiths to be citizens and vote in its elections. They are capable of trading with most nations on the planet, have ambasadors in most countries and meet their financial obligations.


Hamas is a terror organisation, with little credibility in the world, even amongst Islamic nations. Their stated primary aim is the destruction of another sovereign nation and will do whatever it takes to achieve that. That includes lying through their back teeth, faking film footage and staging attrocities for the media.

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Don't you think that the Balfour Declaration and the subsequent years up to and including the creation of the state of Israel might have some bearing on the current tensions?


What if it is? Fact is they can choose one path which dedicates them to not much more than the destruction of Israel, or they can choose to get on with building a successful state that peacefully coexists with its neighbour. So far not much sign of the latter appearing anytime soon, but the day they do will be the day they can start to become a successful nation. Why is statehood opposed by Israel and others? Because how can a state be formed whose goal is the destruction of another state? Such a state doesn't deserve to exist but perhaps they will get more support at the UN when they express a desire to recognise Israel and move on.

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