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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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Perhaps you should get out more. Take a look at Islamists killing in Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Kenya, Libya, Somalia, Packistan. You might spot a pattern emerging.


Are you suggesting that Palestinian lives are of lesser worth than other lives?

That's very much what it looks like.

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"Only last December I visited the Kibbutz again and a Quassam rocket fell by the kindergaden, on the Kibbutz, while the children were present and were outside...there was shattered glass everywhere...they were bleeding, some of the children had to be hospitalised, some were in shock, it was horrible.


..I saw the hole in the ground, created by the rocket, the size of a large soccer ball. And then I remember what a crater created by a 1 tonne bomb looks like: It's the size of a city block. Children aren't scratched, and they're not in shock as a result of that. They are decimated, they are burned, they choke from the fumes and are buried in the rubble.


Now multiply that by a 100, and then again, and then again. And keep in mind that Gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world, yet Israeli supporters will justify this."

I was going to try and stay out of this one, but...are you not trying to justify one right with two wrongs here? :confused:


Where's the condemnation of Hamas firing a rocket at a kindergarten, then?


Israeli's bombs are bigger, so that makes it alright?


It's a war, and that's about as much as needs to be can be said. All wars are beyond awful, and the only constant in all of them, throughout the ages, is that innocents always suffer most. Everything else is just a question of perspective and raison d'état. Nothing callous about this, it's just stating the obvious.

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Are you suggesting that Palestinian lives are of lesser worth than other lives?

That's very much what it looks like.


If you are in a government who's lives would you be looking to protect? Would it be those of your own population or those of the country that is attacking you?

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I was going to try and stay out of this one, but...are you not trying to justify one right with two wrongs here? :confused:


Where's the condemnation of Hamas firing a rocket soccer ball at a kindergarten, then?


Israeli's bombs are bigger, so that makes it alright?


It's a war, and that's about as much as needs to be can be said. All wars are beyond awful, and the only constant in all of them, throughout the ages, is that innocents always suffer most. Everything else is question of perspective and raison d'état.


Actually Hamas rockets have a 20 kg exposive war head packed with ball bearings. I imagine that would make a rather larger hole than a football.

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Don't make stuff up. It's unbecoming behaviour when people are trying to discuss serious issues.


But you do it all the time.




An Italian journalist who until Tuesday was embedded in Gaza has backed the IDF's account of a rocket strike on a school playground in central Gaza's Shati refugee camp on Monday.


At least 10 people were killed in the attack - most of them children - and some sources claimed the death toll was as high as 30. Palestinian sources were quick to blame Israel, claiming that an Israeli fighter jet fired missiles directly at the playground and nearby hospital. Israel denied the accusations, saying that Hamas rockets aimed at Israel from the area misfired, and struck both the school and the hospital:


Verifying facts on the ground in Gaza is notoriously difficult for foreign reporters, and even for Palestinian journalists seen as aligned with the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, as journalists are closely watched by Hamas security forces and can face interrogation and a permanent ban from Gaza for publishing material deemed unfavorable to the territory's Islamist rulers. As such, little information has emerged on what exactly happened that day in Shati.


But returning from a stint in Gaza, and safe from what he ominously referred to as potential "Hamas retaliation", Italian journalist Gabriele Barbati broke the media silence by tweeting the following message, confirming that Hamas terrorists rushed to cover up evidence of what was indeed errant rocket fire aimed at Israel:

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Have a massively effective rocket defence system and a highly efficient warning and shelter system. And start talking.


How long would you talk for, how many Israelis would have to die or be injured before you thought talking had failed and fighting was necessary?

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