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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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It is said that around 25% of Hamas rockets land on homes in Gaza. Others expode under construction or in storage. Hamas certainly kill far more folk in Gaza with the rockets than they do in Israel. But of course the simply video the damage their rockets cause in Gaza and claim it as an Israeli shell. It fools the gullible.


I don't know if you're aware Anna but you're only allowed one username on here.

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There was active resistance in Germany against the Nazi's and there is active resistance in Gaza against Hamas.


According to Palestinian news sources, Hamas have executed more than 30 Gazan Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israel.


I've just finished reading a book (now returned to the library) which stated that there wasn't any formal resistance in Germany during the war. One of my in laws is German and they agreed with it but never mind you can't believe everything you read or hear for that matter.


There you go 30 more Palestinians killed no doubt Israel will take the blame for it and the loony left socialist workers party and arm-chair do gooders will latch onto this statement as well and before you know it they'll be a whole new discussion going off.....

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I am apt to wonder if you know the meaning and intention of Taqiyya. When I see you can't even spell it.

We all know that adding or removing one letter can in any language change the meaning of some words.... more deceit?


I have posted previously about the meaning of Taqiyya.

I will concede that Taqiyyah is to deny your religion if facing persecution or death.

It is also the practice of deceit wherever it may advance the muslim cause

which is ultimately to bring the whole world under islam to save them from some imaginary darkness. allah according to the quran is the most perfect of deceivers.


You, Mozilla and some others attempt to deceive us by never admitting the obvious ;

that if hamas stopped attacking israel then the violence of the conflict would stop.


When hamas break a cease fire rather than offer an explanation or reason in a pathetic attempt to justify it you just pretend it never happened and continue to cite examples of where israel has yet again killed a civilian.


You all fail to admit that hamas chose the battleground and that there are only two possible reasons why they chose gaza.

Either it was to in the most deplorable and cowardly way possible to hide behing women and children,

or as seems far more likely,

they set out out to force israel to cause civilian casualties so they could exploit them as propaganda.


Your posts are failing to tell us anything new .... we all know israel is inflicting civilian casualties. You and some others appear to revel in finding and linking pictures of dead and injured children a practise (sic) some of us find a little disturbing.

If you , and I hope neither you or anyone else never has to, have actually seen real people that have have been ripped apart or blown to bits or crushed by fallen buildings by munitions that were intended for use against armoured vehicles and leven arger targets then perhaps you would tire of looking at pictures too.


The purpose of your posts is unclear.

Either you, as many of us on here do equally deplore the use of violence by israel and the pathetic usually failed attempts by hamas to do the same;

in which case where is any condemnation by yourself of the tactics employed by hamas.

Or you repeatedly go on and on about casualties in an attempt to foster animosity towards israel or to advance the cause of hamas.


Hamas have vowed to exterminate israel, the israelis have made no such promises in regard to either palestinians or muslims.


Mafya you say my posts are pure bull, but we all know have many times resorted to such tactics attempting to discredit the poster because you are unable to refute the contents of their post.


Taqiyya in the context of your posts is the art of trying to decieve others into believing that which you want us to believe, regardless of the truth.

(believe me whan I say you are no artist)


It is hamas through wanting to advance their own objectives that are currently the most dangerous enemy of the people in gaza.


Are any of you able to admit what most of us appear to have seen?

If hamas stop attacking israel and do not break ceasefires then israel will have no justification for continuing their reaction and the violence will end.

I'll bet you are not?



Israel has inferred that they are near to the point of stopping now; all they claim that they want now is to destroy all the tunnels that are used to launch attacks on them and of course stop the rocket attacks.


If hamas stop their attacks, and not until they do, we will see if there is any truth in israel's words.


Only when the violence ends can pressure be put on israel to withdraw its settlers and treat the people of gaza properly. Trust for latter will take a very long time during which there must be no more attacks on israel by hamas that originate from gaza.


Why do you never acknowledge that it is not only israel that maintains the blockade of gaza? Is it because reminding us that it is also the egyptians may detract from your anti-semitic crusade against israel?


I dare say you will ignore most or all of my post and attempt to either insult or discredit me as a means of dealing with it.

Fill your boots.

It will be no surprise I am expecting it from you ...it would be almost funny were it not so pitifully transparent.





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Just illustrating the absurdity of what you'd written old chap.


And there we have it, I'm right, you know I'm right as does everyone else, even if they don't like to admit it. Therefore the only way you can try and save face is by discreditation and trying to reduce the argument into absurdity, in which case you failed dismally. But you know what? I don’t even see that as a victory because, that wasn’t what I was looking for, and you crashing and burning in flames were not much competition anyway.


old chap

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And is anna using more than one username?


Yes. Let's start with percy filth first though.





There are many more similarities as well. I do find it depressing when someone uses multiple usernames to get their views across. It stinks and treats us SF's who abide by the rules like mugs.

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There are many more similarities as well. I do find it depressing when someone uses multiple usernames to get their views across. It stinks and treats us SF's who abide by the rules like mugs.


See a doctor stan before you're sectioned.

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Sickening scenes from Gaza as doctors are forced to use vegetable fridges to store bodies



---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 17:09 ----------


Dress the Gaza situation up all you like, but the truth hurts



#InterviewPalestinians trending



---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 17:19 ----------


Crowds growing outside Sheffield Town Hall as campaigners call for an end to bombings in Gaza



---------- Post added 02-08-2014 at 17:21 ----------



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I've just finished reading a book (now returned to the library) which stated that there wasn't any formal resistance in Germany during the war. One of my in laws is German and they agreed with it but never mind you can't believe everything you read or hear for that matter.

There are two different accounts, some argue that there was no resistance at all and other historian say there was but wasn't anything like the French resistance, it was lots of small groups acting independently of each other rather than an organized resistance.


There you go 30 more Palestinians killed no doubt Israel will take the blame for it and the loony left socialist workers party and arm-chair do gooders will latch onto this statement as well and before you know it they'll be a whole new discussion going off.....


I imagine they will be included in civilian casualties killed by the IDF. :suspect:

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