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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with anything Philip Hammond said but I feel that he's spot on here.




"It's a broad swathe of British public opinion that feels deeply, deeply disturbed by what it is seeing on its television screens coming out of Gaza," he said.


"The British public has a strong sense that the situation of the civilian population in Gaza is simply intolerable and must be addressed - and we agree with them."


He said there "must be a humanitarian ceasefire that is without conditions", adding: "We have got to get the killing to stop."

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This piece by Gabor Mate quoted by Mr Fisk further up the page really encapsulates my own feelings about the conflict so well, I want to quote it again. The bold is my own.


''The Palestinians use tunnels? So did my heroes, the poorly armed fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. Unlike Israel, Palestinians lack Apache helicopters, guided drones, jet fighters with bombs, laser-guided artillery. Out of impotent defiance, they fire inept rockets, causing terror for innocent Israelis but rarely physical harm. With such a gross imbalance of power, there is no equivalence of culpability.''


Its like all them poor Al Qaeda blokes on 9/11. All the had were knives and nail files. How are you expected to fly aircraft laden with civilians into skyscrapers filled with civilians if we don't arm them right. Those blokes on 7/7 had to make do with fertilizer and sugar in order to blow up the london underground and a bus. It would be so much more equitable if we supplied them with Semtex.

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I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with anything Philip Hammond said but I feel that he's spot on here.




"It's a broad swathe of British public opinion that feels deeply, deeply disturbed by what it is seeing on its television screens coming out of Gaza," he said.


"The British public has a strong sense that the situation of the civilian population in Gaza is simply intolerable and must be addressed - and we agree with them."


He said there "must be a humanitarian ceasefire that is without conditions", adding: "We have got to get the killing to stop."


I agree but find it very hypercritical, he supported the war with Iraq and Afghanistan and they weren't firing rockets at us.

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If Israel has done what you claim, (they haven't by the way) I would expect the Gazan's to either fight back but risk loosing their lives in the process or make a life somewhere else. I would go for make a life somewhere else because a piece of land isn't worth dieing over. But if I decided to fight I wouldn't be whinging if I loose the fight.


Who said Israel, it didn't exist? I said Jews within the state of Palestine. The Jews did to the Palestinians in order for them to become a State and you're response is the Palestinians are whinging and should put up with a ghetto existence. Were Palestinians, their homes, land, assets, infrastructure a figment of the imagination, or are you in denial of the plunder?

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Who said Israel, it didn't exist? I said Jews within the state of Palestine. The Jews did to the Palestinians in order for them to become a State and you're response is the Palestinians are whinging and should put up with a ghetto existence. Were Palestinians, their homes, land, assets, infrastructure a figment of the imagination, or are you in denial of the plunder?


Did they ever have self determination. I always thought it was part of the Ottoman Empire and probably the Holly Roman Empire before that.


There you are.



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Thank you, I'm very flattered by that.
Don't be, it was just sarcasm.


And whilst the eyes and censure of the western world are focused on Israel, there's some pretty nasty stuff going on elsewhere.


We and France seem to be offering refuge to the Christians who are being persecuted and driven out of Iraq now.





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Its like all them poor Al Qaeda blokes on 9/11. All the had were knives and nail files. How are you expected to fly aircraft laden with civilians into skyscrapers filled with civilians if we don't arm them right. Those blokes on 7/7 had to make do with fertilizer and sugar in order to blow up the london underground and a bus. It would be so much more equitable if we supplied them with Semtex.


10/10 for completely missing the point.

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Who said Israel, it didn't exist? I said Jews within the state of Palestine. The Jews did to the Palestinians in order for them to become a State and you're response is the Palestinians are whinging and should put up with a ghetto existence. Were Palestinians, their homes, land, assets, infrastructure a figment of the imagination, or are you in denial of the plunder?


There isn't and there never as been a state of Palestine, and all ideas of a Palestinian state came after the creation of modern day Israel. Jews fled from most of the surrounding Arab countries to settle in what is now Israel, just like many Arabs (but not all) fled from what I now Israel because they thought they would have the opportunity to return after Israel was defeated, the difference between the two people is that Jews built a country and the Arabs live a life of self pity and hatred towards Jews. Just as many Jews lost their homes and lands to Arabs as Arabs lost them to Jews.

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I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with anything Philip Hammond said but I feel that he's spot on here.




"It's a broad swathe of British public opinion that feels deeply, deeply disturbed by what it is seeing on its television screens coming out of Gaza," he said.


"The British public has a strong sense that the situation of the civilian population in Gaza is simply intolerable and must be addressed - and we agree with them."


He said there "must be a humanitarian ceasefire that is without conditions", adding: "We have got to get the killing to stop."


Why should his opinion be any better than mine or anyone elses? How can he gets his mug in the press?

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