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Children of Gaza-John Snow's message


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No it wasn't, it is extremely likley that if Gaza gets total freedom do as they like they will acquire bigger and better rockets, if they do and they fire them at Israel, what do you think Israel should do in response?


What would you do if someone was constantly attacking your children, allow your children to live in fear or stop the person that is attacking them?


Is all of your thinking this rigidly one dimensional?

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Is all of your thinking this rigidly one dimensional?


Still no answer then, its not a complicated question yet several of you are really struggling to answer it. Maybe because answering it with any honesty will mean you have to accept that some people will have to die.

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I'd probably not vote to have Hamas as my government seeing as how their stratergy is keep firing these useless rockets and not providing any infrastructure to protect the population from the repercussions.


You might argue that Israeli interference in the Palestinian electoral process might have driven voters to support extremes.

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No it wasn't, it is extremely likley that if Gaza gets total freedom do as they like they will acquire bigger and better rockets, if they do and they fire them at Israel, what do you think Israel should do in response?
I believe that's a bridge that they should address if and when they arrive at it.

What would you do if someone was constantly attacking your children, allow your children to live in fear or stop the person that is attacking them?

I'd seek a solution to stop the person or people who were attacking them. If the threat was a mortal one, then I'd support a similar response.


---------- Post added 05-08-2014 at 22:32 ----------


That's quite funny coming from the one trick pony that didn't even know Israel supplies most of the power for Gaza.


Wow, that's like celebrating Mick Philpott because he fed & clothed his children.


---------- Post added 05-08-2014 at 22:34 ----------


Still no answer then, its not a complicated question yet several of you are really struggling to answer it. Maybe because answering it with any honesty will mean you have to accept that some people will have to die.


Im certainly not suggesting people dont have to die, war is a dirty business, however it's the one sided nature of this particular debacle that arouses global indignation.

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I believe that's a bridge that they should address if and when they arrive at it.

I'm not asking Israel what they should do, I am asking you what you would do if you lived in Israel or what would you expect your government to do.



I'd seek a solution to stop the person or people who were attacking them. If the threat was a mortal one, then I'd support a similar response.


So you would support Israel if they fired thousands of rockets at Gaza in response to the thousand Gaza fires at Israel.

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Bit of twisted logic there I think...

Be more like him feedin the kids next door who kept trying to kill him, and sent him off his rocker.


I dont think Mick Philpott was brutalising next door's children, whilst at the same time feeding them.

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